"Happy" Birthday

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The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 13: "Happy" Birthday

Date: January 12th, 2024

The surprise birthday party for me is now over. I guess I should just train or something until another mission pops up. That was how I felt at the time besides the peaceful joy I was also feeling. I trained for 2 hours with some of my friends. Once we were done, all of us were sweating. But then, Dominic suddenly coughs up blood and collapses. "What the hell is going on? Dominic!" Bray shouts: "Swiftdrawer! Begin CPR! I will prepare to examine him with one of my spells!" "Okay! But I need to check for a pulse first. *checks for pulse* He has no pulse!" Barla takes all of her gear and runs into a wall at full force, fracturing her skull and dying from the injury. "No! I can't sense Barla's Ki anymore, that killed her! And I can't sense Dominic's either." Bray looks over them and sighs: "I have bad news-" She clenches her chest and collapses too. Before I knew it, 3 of my dearest friends were dead. It didn't stop there. I had 3 other training partners for the session. Before I even turned to see if they were okay, Madeline had already activated one of the Wacky Clowns' training chainsaws and now, she's dead too. Carlos then died from punching the wall over and over again way too hard. Herbsalvin died the same way as Bray. I managed to catch them as they collapsed but I sensed them die in my arms. Tears began falling from my eyes: "My friends.. My lover.. No! This can't be happening! This must be some kind of nightmare! AAAAAAAAAAA! What is going on?! How did they all die?!" I run out of the training room to cry in a quiet corner only for me to witness Fluffy's death by banana peel, trash can, and axe. I heard screams come from one of the bathrooms and a loud crash from the library. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!" Screams and more were heard everywhere. Concerned for my comrades, I decided to check on all of them while continuing to cry and despair.

But whenever I got anywhere, anyone I saw was already dead or dying. Even Aqua died despite being a goddess. I raced from room to room, hoping to save someone or to see at least one person who wasn't dead or dying. But no. I looked everywhere but it was too late for everyone in the base. Desperately, I try to contact BRAINS members in other universes but all I get is silence. "EVERYONE IS DYING!" That's about when I accidentally knocked myself out. When I came to, I found myself in an elevator with no recollection of what just happened. "I feel like I'm forgetting something important. What happened and why am I here?" The elevator doors open. I stepped out of the elevator and into some kind of bar. That's when I saw a familiar face: Marceline. She greets me: "Hey, Swiftdrawer! It's been a while!" "Yes it has, Marceline. But what even is this place? It feels so familiar and yet I can't place why." "I don't know but you're looking really cool as usual in that armor of yours." "Thanks. This looks like some kind of bar. I guess we should see what this is about." "Yeah, we should. It'll be like a little adventure and an excuse for us to get to know each other a little better. After all, I do really dig your vibe. Always have since we first met each other." "That's a good idea. Let's sit down at the bar." And that's exactly what we do. We sit down at the English style modern bar. A white haired and pale skinned man with light blue eyes in a typical bartender's uniform with a red tie, white shirt, and black apron or something was waiting for us. He speaks to us: "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Decim and I'll be your bartender." He bows Japanese style. Marceline smiles: "It's very cool to meet you! You also have a vibe I dig!" I add: "Yeah, it's very nice to meet you." Decim nods and replies: "You will likely find this a strange question but I'm afraid I do have to ask. Do you remember anything prior to your arrival here?" I shake my head: "No but now that I think about it, I feel sweaty. Was I training? Maybe that's what I was doing? I'm not sure."

Marceline adds: "I have no clue. I might have been hanging with Bonnibel or something but I guess being part vampire, part demon, and part human really messes up my memory sometimes." "I see. Thank you for indulging me." "If this is a bar, could I get something to drink? I seem to be pretty thirsty, I'd like a water if that's okay." "Very well. *gestures to Marceline* Would you like anything to drink?" "I'll have whatever the reddest drink you have is." "I will be right back with your drinks." He goes to the back. "So Swiftdrawer, neither of us can recall what we were doing before now. How about we make a guessing game out of our shared problem?" "That sounds like a good idea. There's so much that's a blank right now. For example, I have this unexplainable feeling of sadness in the back of my mind. Now then, what kind of guessing game should we play?" Decim comes back with our drinks: "Here you are." "Thank you. Let's wait until we finish our drinks, Marceline." "I'm cool with that. We can just chill and talk for now." Decim speaks again after we begin to focus on our drinks. Marceline sucks the red out of her drink, expressing how delicious it is before actually downing the drink itself. I calmly drank the water. "I will now explain some things about your situation. This is important. Please pay close attention." "Situation? What's going on?!" "Yeah, what the glob is happening?" "Number 1: I'm afraid I cannot provide you any information regarding your current location. Number 2: now that you are here, we shall have you play a game." "Did you say a game?" "Hehe, some kind of guessing game?!" "Number 3: as to game selection, it will be decided upon by roulette."

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