He is well aware that it's pointless to try to kill me by puncturing my armor first at the moment. Grodd goes straight for my face and causes so much damage that I should have died. Instead, I'm still moving. I'm in agony and can't speak but I'm still going. I drink a bottle of poison to heal myself. "Would a living human drink poison to heal? Would they even be able to survive what you managed to do to my face?" Grodd briefly expresses anger before laughing again: "So you really are a zombie. At last, an opponent I can truly savor destroying completely. You will be much more fun to torment than any Justice League member." We start fighting. He manages to evade a lot of my sword attacks while hitting me with his own attacks. "That little toy of yours can never hurt someone like me! Go, Barian Battlemorph!" He transforms into a humanoid gorilla like Barian and laughs again. I speak: "You do not scare me. Should I endure or be destroyed, I will fight you until I can't anymore." Grodd pauses for a moment and flicks 2 of his fingers. The hospital blows up. He turns to laugh at me: "How are you feeling now?! I lied about going inside the hospital. I was always planning on destroying it. Oh and what's more is that it's not the only one I blew up." "Dont tell me.. You pulled an Israel and destroyed as many hospitals as you could within a short time?!" "Ah.. Israel.. Their cruelty amuses and inspires me. Actually, all sources and forms of human cruelty inspire me. Why do you think I keep saying I'm superior in intelligence? You're right. All the hospitals in this city have been destroyed."

I take a few deep breaths and try to keep myself calm. After a few moments, I calm down. Grodd raises an eyebrow: "How strange. I thought that would have been enough to lose your cool and fight me rashly and without thinking." "You know Grodd.. I am angry but I'm controlling it. I hate you even more for what you just did but I'm going to do my best to handle you calmly yet passionately. You haven't gotten me yet and I don't plan on ever letting you do so. Instead, I will make you regret ever messing with anyone." Grodd pulls out a gun and fires an unseen blast at a nearby tree. The tree explodes. He laughs: "You can forget trying to fight me now. I no longer have any interest in fighting you because I was unable to completely rile you up and I am losing my patience. The anticipation for turning all humans into apes is affecting how I think about dealing with you. You would be still very entertaining to fight but I'm afraid my excitement makes me just want to end you right now with this antimatter gun." "..Antimatter gun? Oh no.. Not even my armor stands a chance against it." "So you're familiar of what anti matter does to matter, are you?! HAHAHAHA! That's right! I can truly end you with one push on the trigger. That's all it would take to destroy you. I will savor your reaction for a few more moments. After all, it is very amusing especially because you were doing so well at staying calm on the outside." I try to destroy that gun and when that fails, get it away from him but nothing happens. Grodd's got it firmly in his grasp and I can't hardly do anything to damage him at this point.

Even with the wind and darkness enhancing my attacks now, I am simply dealing no damage. He laughs once again: "This is the end for you, Swiftdrawer. I can't wait to pay a visit to one of your comrades who was lucky enough to face off against one of my friends who is unable to beat them after I'm done with you. They won't die if they're a human. If they're a human, I will crush them nearly to the brink of death and keep them alive until they feel the agony of being turned into an ape by force!" "You are truly a monster, Grodd. Mark my words, I know that gun was invented in response to our antimatter bombs. But know this, you can destroy me but that won't stop someone from eventually bringing you down after getting rid of that gun of yours." Grodd prepares to pull the trigger only for a familiar voice to yell: "Go, Magnet Warrior Sigma Plus! Attack Gorilla Grodd!" That's followed by: "Cyber Angel Benton, you too!" Grodd loses his gun while evading those attacks. "Damn you duelists!" Daichi smirks: "We will be your opponents from now on. Oh hey Swift, it's good to see you. It's been a while. We will take care of this villain for you while you help many others defeat Gozaboro Kaiba who is in fact merged with Exodia Necros. Believe me, we wish we could help but you're better suited to fighting such a foe than we are as cards have no effect on him. Sorry for being so late, we had to do a lot of work in our own world." Asuka adds: "That's because a few situations come up. But don't worry, it's alright over at Duel Academia now. I just know we will be more than enough to bring down Grodd through the bonds we share with our monsters."

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