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As I awoke to the chill of the morning, I found myself trapped beneath the weight of my own lethargy. Unable to muster the strength to rise from my bed, I lay there in a state of numbness, my gaze fixed upon the spinning blades of the ceiling fan above. My mind wandered aimlessly, drifting between thoughts of nothing and everything, searching for solace in the empty expanse of my room.

It was then that Meera's face materialized in my thoughts, her image hauntingly vivid against the backdrop of my mind. The memory of her soft touch, the warmth of her presence, her bare breasts, ignited a primal urge within me. With a sense of desperation, I reached out to touch myself, seeking refuge in the fleeting moments of pleasure that her memory afforded. As my hand found its way beneath the fabric of my trousers, I surrendered to the intoxicating rush of sensation, my body responding eagerly to the stimuli. With each stroke, I allowed myself to be consumed by the memory of her, losing myself in the fantasy of her bare skin pressed against mine.

Inevitably, I reached the pinnacle of my desire, a wave of release washing over me in a moment of pure, unbridled ecstasy. Yet, even as I found temporary relief in the throes of passion, a profound emptiness lingered beneath the surface, a stark reminder of the void that Meera's absence had left in my life.

With a heavy sigh, I pulled myself away from the intoxicating allure of my fantasies, the harsh reality of my surroundings crashing down upon me once more. Rising from my bed, I made my way to the bathroom, the cold water serving as a jarring wake-up call to the depths of my despair.

Out in the hall, I found Chechi and Hari engaged in conversation, their voices a distant echo in the recesses of my mind. I took a seat beside Hari, his gaze fixed firmly ahead as he continued to speak, seemingly oblivious to my presence. Chechi's sympathetic glance spoke volumes, a silent testament to her unwavering strength in the face of adversity.

In that moment, I couldn't help but admire her resilience, her ability to navigate the complexities of grief with grace and dignity. And yet, as I sat there, consumed by my own pain and guilt, I couldn't help but feel like a mere bystander in my own life, powerless to escape the shadows that threatened to consume me.

"I'm sorry," the words escaped my lips in a soft whisper, barely audible above the din of Hari's conversation with Chechi. But even as I spoke, I kept my gaze fixed firmly ahead, unwilling to meet his eyes.

Hari's response was a dismissive grunt, his attention still focused on Chechi as they carried on their discussion. It was as if I didn't exist, my presence insignificant in the midst of their exchange. Frustration bubbled up within me, a simmering anger that threatened to boil over at any moment.

With a heavy sigh, I pushed myself away from the table and rose to my feet, my movements slow and deliberate. I needed to escape, to find solace in the quiet solitude of the terrace where I could be alone with my thoughts.

Stepping out into the cool night air, I reached into my pocket and retrieved a cigarette, the familiar weight of the pack a comforting presence in my hand. I lit it with a flick of my lighter and took a long drag, the smoke swirling around me in lazy tendrils as I paced back and forth. One cigarette turned into two, then three, each one a futile attempt to drown out the chaos of my mind. But no matter how many I smoked, the sense of emptiness persisted, a gaping void that threatened to swallow me whole.

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