You What?

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{Hiya, author's note: I finally got a chance to do some digital concept art for Uriel's design! It's now the image in the actual author's note if you haven't seen it yet!}

Act 2. Scene 4

[LUCIFER leads LILITH to his bedroom, unlocks the door, and stands aside offering for her to enter. LILITH accepts; going to pour herself a glass of wine. LUCIFER follows, locking the door.]

LUCIFER: Why didn't you tell me?

LILITH: What do you mean?

LUCIFER: Why didn't you tell me when you left?

LILITH: I needed Adam to do the exterminations so I could stay in Heaven.

LUCIFER: You what?

LILITH: I didn't want to tell you in front of everyone.

LUCIFER: What do you mean you "needed Adam to do the exterminations?!"

LILITH: I made a deal with him. To save Uriel.

LUCIFER: [Stares, not knowing what to say.] How?

LILITH: Simple: I told Adam to do the exterminations.

LUCIFER: You what?

LILITH: Luci, [hypothetically:] if Adam could slow Hell's growth, then we would have more time to get Uriel back. He doesn't have to listen to the fucking prophecy, I don't give a shit what Sera or Gabriel have to say about it.

LUCIFER: Charlie almost died.

LILITH: [Taken aback:] But-Uriel! He will be okay, Lucifer. Can't you see this is a good thing?

LUCIFER: [Hurt,] Why didn't you tell me, Lilith?

LILITH: I needed you to agree to the exterminations, I knew you would if I wasn't there anymore.

LUCIFER: I would have helped, you know that. I wanted Uriel back just as badly as you did.

LILITH: Did you?

LUCIFER: You think I didn't want my son?

LILITH: Well, you weren't exactly fighting to get him back over the last ten thousand years.

LUCIFER: What is that supposed to mean?

LILITH: You just let them take him!

LUCIFER: What was I supposed to do?!

LILITH: Anything! But you didn't! What more did we have to lose?!

LUCIFER: I was trying to keep you safe!

LILITH: You were supposed to keep Uri safe.


LUCIFER: I'm sorry.

[LILITH stays facing away, her face softening.]

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