Turn a Blind Eye

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[Heaven. URIEL and LUTE fly over the gate, landing on the entryway to the elder council's meeting hall. SERA, RAPHAEL, and MICHAEL sit, discussing their possible next steps. URIEL opens the large door with ease, allowing LUTE to enter. ]

RAPHAEL: You're okay!

[He flutters over, giving URIEL a look over.]

URIEL: Yeah, I'm fine Raph, you can relax.

MICHAEL: Why didn't you return, Uriel?

[As URIEL cocks his head ala: "Bitch, you know why," LUTE whispers to SERA before returning to her post.]

RAPHAEL: [Over LUTE's whisper:] Brother! Please. Just be happy he's returned safely! He's perfectly fine!

SERA: Uriel, may I speak with you privately?

URIEL: Sure, Sera.

[SERA gestures for him to follow her. MICHAEL and RAPHAEL watch intently as they go.]

RAPHAEL: Or not.

MICHAEL: Damnnit.

[URIEL and SERA walk down a long, echoing hallway, getting further away from the meeting room at they speak.]

SERA: How are you feeling young one?

URIEL: Tired. Other than that, I'm alright.

SERA: That's good to hear. [Beat.] I wanted to thank you.

URIEL: Oh, what for?

SERA: For returning Lilith.

URIEL: You knew–??

SERA: –I'm sure it was quite the test to not get attached. I applaud you, Light-Bringer.

URIEL: If you knew–? Wait. How'd you know?? Why didn't you say anything?

SERA: Yes. I knew of the deal.

[SERA gestures for URIEL to enter the room they've arrived at first. It's URIEL's bedroom. The furniture is decorated with golden lights. There are large bookshelves lining the one wall. On the adjacent side, is URIEL's desk, which is organized, but still very full of supplies. He enters.]

URIEL: So... you wanted me to find her, right? To bring her down, and meet, everyone?

SERA: I was aware of your knowledge, yes.

URIEL: Shocking. [Off her look:] Sorry. [He flops onto the bed.]

SERA: Uriel, I spoke to Lute.

URIEL: Of course.

SERA: She told me your plans of returning to Hell.

URIEL: Ah, I see.

SERA: I wanted you to hear it from me, you will not be able to do so.

URIEL: Why not? Didn't my little rendezvous prove that I am totally capable of going down and returning safely? I can just stay at the hotel! That snake guy made it up here, so if I just stay at the hotel...

SERA: The answer is no Uriel.

URIEL: I won't get into any trouble, just–I dunno–turn a blind eye!

SERA: It is not up for debate. You must tread carefully, young Morningstar. We know this.

URIEL: It was fine!

SERA: Think about Raphael. How worried he was. He and Michael have cared for you all this time.

URIEL: Are you fucking serious right now!? Can't you just let me have this? [Beat.] Let's ask Gabriel! He gets the final vote.

SERA: Calm down, Uriel.

URIEL: [Heading toward the door:] I'm asking him.

SERA: [Blocks the way.] Stop, child.

URIEL: Where is he? You know. You always know.

SERA: Gabriel already knows. [URIEL tries the door. It's locked.] Raphael already knows.

URIEL: Heaven doesn't need me! The council was capable of making decisions before I came of age, why can't you now?!

SERA: Michael has set guards outside. [Beat.] I am sorry, child. Just rest for now. We will speak more tonight. [Beat.] Please, Uri, don't make a mess. [She disappears in a flash of light.]

URIEL: [Turns to the balcony, watching as three EXORCISTS land, brandishing their angelic weapons, guarding the exits.] Fuck.


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