(y/n) pauses, contemplating. She had completely forgotten about obanai and muichirou...and she should be getting back to them soon, "uhm...stranger danger.." she mumbles. Her mother taught her better, but it's not like she was defenseless. However, maybe she can ask the woman about the demon lurking around and find out if anyone was killed...if she wasn't distracted that is, "...sure!" She chirped, agreeing to the woman's proposal. She supposes 'stranger danger' was thrown out the window, hehehe..—

'mariko' smiles, she was about to subtly move her and (y/n) to a much more remote and abandoned area when the (h/c)-ette tugs on her sleeve, pulling her along with an excited gleam in her eyes, "oooh!..look! It's those tengu masks!! I want one!"

'mariko' widened her crimson eyes as she was dragged behind the (h/c)-ette, her jaw clenching in annoyance. 'She' was so close...she was taken aback when a kitsune mask was shoved in her face, surprising her, "take it! I figured if i got one, i'll get one for you too!" (y/n) grins, watching the woman stare blankly at the mask before slowly taking it from her grasp, observing it.

Throughout the night, the foreign girl dragged 'mariko' around the village, buying different foods and sharing them with her, playing games while the woman stood to the side watching her and contemplating her life choices. Soon, they were simply conversing...well, it was more of a one-sided conversation as the woman listened.

"ya know...it's the little things like these that make life so precious." (y/n) absentmindedly says, tilting her head up to gaze at the dark sky as she felt 'mariko's' gaze on her, "some people take it for granted but life is so unexpected that you never know what can happen." She mumbles, thinking back to when she got shot before arriving in 'demon slayer.' She regretted so much and not being able to make the time to create memories and bonds....sigh...but now that she was in another universe, she is making the most of it.

"....what about you? Do you take life for granted? aren't you frightened of dying? doesn't the thought of your skin aging and wrinkling while your body decays slowly bother you? have you ever considered an immortal life that doesn't hinder from ill and sickness?" 'mariko' demands, eyes never straying from the (h/c)-ette's face. That question had more meaning than one but the foreign girl did not realize it.

(y/n) shakes her head, "of course it doesn't. if you fear something more, it'll only consume you into insanity that you forget all about living. Besides, who wants to life forever?? when you think about it, it isn't so much fun if all the people close to you suddenly die and you're wandering the earth all alone for an eternity. It's kind of similar to purgatory, ya know? But, why would anyone want to waste away their days worrying about dumb stuff like that? Not me!" She points to herself with a grin.

'mariko' stares at her with narrowed eyes, dissecting her with her eyes, scrutinizing her. She was about to say something when an elderly man was sitting in the corner, coughing loudly. His bones rattling as he did so. It was obvious this man was sick and people were avoiding him like he's the plague. 'Mariko' stares wide eyed, her body trembling, pupils dilated as a memory appeared...that expression soon turned into morbid disgust and she was simply going to walk past him with no care at all when she pauses, seeing the foreign girl waltzing up to the man.

"are you alright??" (y/n) concernedly asks, giving the elderly man a hanky as he gratefully takes it, looking at he astonished, "what are you doing out here in your condition!?" She asks.

'mariko' looks at (y/n), her face twisted, "what are you doing touching that thing? He is sick with disease. How pitiful." She insults, making the foreign girl frown at her rude tone.

"it doesn't matter if he's sick! That doesn't mean i should just leave him here to die! Besides, he has a name, so stop calling him a thing!" She argues hotly, turning to the elderly man, "what are you doing out here, old man? You should be inside? Have you seen a doctor?" She shoots question after question.

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu