"Exactly! It would have made it so much easier to find you and get Wanda but no, you had to move to another country. We were lucky they had an old base here, otherwise we would have had to drive all the way down to England.
On second thought, that would have made it harder for you to get here but oh well." He shrugs it off and I am internally glad they didn't take Wanda back to England because I wouldn't have made it that far. At least not very quickly.

"You only got us the apartment because you would have known where it is?" I ask, narrowing my eyes a little at him.

"Seems like you caught on." He says, nodding a bit approvingly. "You two moving to Scotland made it really hard. Especially, because it took Maximoff a long time to call me again. I'm glad she did though because otherwise we would still be searching for you. Knowing, you moved to Scotland made it a little easier. Especially, when we figured out that you live so close to our actual base. That was a good moment." He hints a smile, seeming to remember that moment.

I am still confused though. In the phone call, Wanda mentioned we moved to Scotland, I think, but she surely never mentioned where we were staying. Cole seems to sense my confusion.

"I didn't have your number since you refused to call me but I had Wanda's saved and the last time I called, we simply tracked back the location of the other end of the phone call." He explains and I remember Wanda telling me, that he started talking about his life after she told him off. He didn't do it because he wanted us to know, he did it because he wanted to buy time to track back the phone call. It also explains why he called in the first place.

"You used me as an excuse to call." I says, annoyed that it somehow hurts me a little bit. I don't really have a deep connection with him but it was nice to know that he seemed to care about me, at least before he called. He laughs dryly.

"Of course, it was. It always way." He says, making me frown a little. That only seems to make him laugh even more and I want to hit or kick him in the face so badly right now.

"I'm not your father, hun." He says a bit condescendingly.

I feel like someone hit me with a pan. He isn't my father? But that's why he called the very first time, he wanted to get to know me...
I don't really want and especially not need a father in my life but it was still nice to know who my other biological parent was. It did turn my world upside down but I got used to the thought. And now that it turns out that he isn't my father, I feel... a little lost.
I guess, I've gotten so used to this fact over the past half a year that it now knocks me off my feet again. I can't do much more than to look at him flabbergasted.

"You really believed that, huh? Why would I want to get in contact with a child that I never knew existed?" He laughs and it feels like a slap into my face. Yeah, why would anyone would want that? I'm not special and everything in my life feels so twisted right now, that it would be better for anyone to stay out of it.

My heart clenches a little at those thought but I can't have an existential crisis right now.

"No, I just saw that you're close with Maximoff and did some research, finding out that Natasha Romanoff brought a daughter to the world, the father unknown. It was the best way to get closer to your girlfriend. I wanted to earn your trust and hoped you would agree to meet up with me, preferably with your girlfriend as emotional support or some shit like that. That would have made it so much easier for me. But no, you had to get into this fight between the Avengers and go to Germany. When you called me from England, I could have screamed but I did my best to gain your trust.
I knew we had a base there, so I change the plans and decided we would do it in England. But you didn't make it easy for me. But in the end, I got what I wanted." He says, smirking proudly and gesturing to the room behind the window, probably meaning that he now got Wanda and a base and is ready for whatever experiment they wanna do.

"I'm glad we were able to catch up before we're gonna do a fun experiment. And since you're here, you'll get a front row seat." He says, his eyes sparkling darkly and I feel the hatred towards him.

He used me and played me like a dumb child. My emotions and everything didn't mean anything to him, he only did all of this because he wanted to get to Wanda and I was just a piece in his plan. He's not my father and he probably isn't anything he said he is. He played me, or us.

I am kinda relieved though that we aren't related because if he was my father, that would have made it a little worse. Not that this is better in any way.
He stops his walking.

"I'm gonna prepare everything now. Let's hope, your girlfriend will survive this." He says, grinning evilly before turning away from me and going to the door. 

A/n: There are a lot of revelations in this chapter.

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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