Chaos In Gotham City

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Phineas and Ferb while inside a yellow and black superhero suit/mech called The Beak punch Grodd away from Batman. "High five, Ferb! We did it! The Beak 3.0 really is something! Okay, let's hold on the high five.." Grodd growls: "Humans.. Always getting in the way of me. I am superior to all of you and when my plans are finished, all of you will be nothing more than apes! You will be devolved permanently by millions of years!" The Kanoka spirit clashes in the sky with Justice Lord Wonder Woman. I draw my sword: "Well then, I guess it's time for me to join in. There's so many enemies here that we absolutely must take on only one at a time." I then see Justice Lord Superman in the air: "I think I know who I'm going to fight first. His power level is much higher than it should be. That makes it crystal clear. I just HAVE TO fight him. He is a serious but good man gone fascist. This is going to be something else. I guess they must have sent some really bad guys to Metropolis if JL Superman is here instead of there where Superman most likely is." Just about every important location on this planet and orbiting it is under attack. Even Wonder Woman's true home with the Amazons who are close to the Greek gods in this timeline. Jump City. Central City. You name it. All under attack. I use my Ki to meet JL Superman in the sky. "Superman, I will be your opponent. If I must kill you, I will do so even though I don't like the thought of that that much. We can resolve this in several ways you know. We don't have to use violence. Believe me, it is draining to have to keep fighting wars and conflicts to make things better. Very much so."

"I know of you. You are Swiftdrawer. You do not intimidate me. Move aside or I will crush you where you stand, lawless anarchist. People like you are the reason why law and order are paramount. Resistance is futile. You will do as I say or be destroyed." "So that's how it's going to be, huh? Maybe I should change the scenery around us. I may be still relearning shadow magic but.. That doesn't mean I can't initiate a Yami no Game. The number of individuals who are on the same side as you isn't overwhelmingly high at the moment. That means I can safely initiate a game." I take us to the Shadow Realm. JL Superman looks around: "Where have you taken me?! What kind of place is this?!" "Welcome to the Shadow Realm. Until our game concludes, neither of us will be getting out of here. Ultimately, I wish for all conflicts to be solved through direct peaceful conversation or through games where no one gets hurt. What's the use of war when warring entities can use games to fight each other instead? I have another reason for taking us here. With your power level, you pose a huge threat to myself, my comrades, and the people we have sworn to protect. I can guess how you changed after killing Luthor. The US government tried to stop you or you took it over by force to prevent them from retaliating against what you did. With force, you took over the whole world with the help of your fellow JL members, not knowing that your Batman was secretly willing to fight against you. Now then. I suppose it's time to pick the game we shall play. Violence should be reserved for the thrills with safety a top priority. I wish the only violence I had to do was in sparring with my comrades. You see, I love me a good fight but I still despise needless violence."

"I've heard of these games you speak of. You are a foolish human being for believing that your naive ideals will be enough to stop me or save the people all heroes must swear to protect. I protect by stopping crime altogether. Any acts of violence or dissent must be punished. To disrupt the order of society-" "Superman, cease your preaching. You have lost the respect required for me to willingly listen to what you have to say. When one descends into totalitarianism like you have, that means that your word about doing good is worth nothing. If you have to control society in order to stop crime and prevent villains from even do much planning to begin with.. I'm sorry but you're doing it wrong. Eliphas sure learned his lesson about order and chaos when Yuma dueled against him. An orderly society? What a load of crap. I believe in a vastly different way of living. A communal way. I'm getting sidetracked. What game will we play? Just about any game is on the table. I'm not going to ask whether or not you play any games. It's clear that you'd say no and I'd rather not have to listen to you anyway. Oh, I know. Let's play the classic Matching Game. The shadows have already accepted the game. Here are the rules. We each have 16 cards. We will compete against each other to try to find as many pairs as possible within 5 minutes. If neither of us gets all 8 pairs within the time limit, whoever has the most pairs wins. If there's a tie, we will play another round. If that also produces a tie, then we will play another game. One that really tests our characters. Oh btw, you have no say in the game. You will play the game. My shadows are really impatient after years of separation from me so I suggest you get ready to start soon."

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