Bonus: Burban & Vanilla

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After part 1 of "Ghost Thief", Burban is sent to the hospital to get checked on...

      A Nurse takes a clip board with papers on it and hands it to the reddish rabbit. "Okay, we just need you to sign these relies papers, then we'll have you on your way Mr. Rabbit." The nurse told him. He signs the forms and starts putting on his shoes. "You also have two visitors." Burban looks up surprised since he was only here for a couple of hours.
        Cream comes running in and gives him a big hug. "Are you all better now?" Cream wined, worried about her uncle. Burban hugs her back and tells her he is alright. Vanilla stands there watching the two, "Rouge, called and told me they sent you here for a checkup. I thought it would be a good idea to come see you." The mother rabbit blushed, bashfully and nervously. Burban's mouth curves slightly up. He takes a hard swallow.
       "Hey, Cream could you do something for me?" He asked. She tells him, "Yes". "I'm a little thirsty after all this. There is a vending machine down the hall, could you bring me back something?" He pulls out a $5 bill and gives it to her. "Go ahead and get you something too." The little rabbit smiles and takes off running. Vanilla tells her nothing with caffeine, since it was getting late.

         The two chuckled a little. "V', can we talk?" He asked. "What do you want to talk about?" Vanilla asked, sharing the same emotions. "About what happened between us... during Christmas..." He offers a seat, and she sits next to him, holding her own hands.

        "If you're worried about that kiss, you don't worry about it." Vanilla tells him, "We, just got caught up in a moment. I know it didn't mean anything." She looks at the floor as she says that. 

        "What if it did mean something?" He asked. She looks up into his blue eyes and she sees that unrelenting will in his, as she has seen so many times in their Freedom Fighter days. "To be honest... I think I had feelings for you, for a while now and I just wanted to get these emotions figured out before I told you. I-I also think, hopefully, that you might be feeling those too?" He asked stuttering a little.
          Vanilla blushes with a quirky smile, and she messed with the palm of her hands. "I might." She sees a grin on his face, and she smiles too. "I know things might be complicated between us, but I would also like to know what "this" is too." Burban looks down to her hands and sets his hand close to hers. She also moves her hand closer, fingers touching. "However, I don't want Cream to know yet." Burban looks hurt by her request. "It's not about you... well maybe. Its just. I was dating someone, that Cream got close to, for a while; but it didn't work out between us. After that Cream had a hard time, yes she is older now, but I don't want her to be that way with you. She just got her uncle. I don't want her to lose you too."
        The rusty rabbit tears up a little, understanding. "Okay. It will be our secret, but for how long until we tell her?" Vanilla thinks, remembering how long she was with Vector and decided a appropriate time for them to know what "this" was. "If she doesn't find out herself. 8-12 months?" Burban smiles, "Okay, so its official. We're dating."

      Cream comes running in with a arm full of cans from the vending machine. "Look!" The young rabbit cheered. "I pressed the button for one and it gave me TWO, TWICE." The two adults ginned at her enthusiasm. 

(Rough concept drawing for Burban J. Rabbit)


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