Mission 23- Ghost Theft

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Happy Valentines day. Word count around 3,000.

3  years ago...

        Shadow firmly closes the door behind him. He walks back and forth in the room taking several breaths. He stops and rest his head on a corner wall. He continues to breath more angrily. Beating his head against the wall, *bam! * *BAm!* hitting his head harder, he goes into a full furry! Punching and cursing at the wall. His hands popping as he increases speed. The ceiling shakes as he stops the final punch, before slumping to the ground. Rouge opens the door carefully, as she entered. "Shadow." She whispered.

         "Go. Away." He growls. Rouge closes the door behind her as she gentle walks to him. 

         "I heard what happened. Shadow, I'm so sorry." His glowing red eyes peaked out from his darkness. "Did you know him?" He asked. "No." She meekly tells him. "Then Why are you sorry*." He curled up. Rouge gets on her knees and places a hand on his shoulder. "It's because, YOUR, hurting from the loss of a friend." Shadow tries to push her away, but she grabs him in a hug, pulling him into her. "Please, Shadow, I'm your partner. Let me be here for you." A moment passes and Shadow slowly hugs her back. She could feel his tears forming at her neck, as he lets out some settle quivers. 

         "He didn't deserve to die like that, Rouge. He was a good man." He softly sobbed.

Present Time...

        Dawn peeks its way through the curtains, as it slowly wakes up the apartment's owner. Sally rubs her face into her pillow, trying to fall back asleep, but it was pointless. She sits up stretching her arms around her head, scratching her messy red hair. After freshening up a bit, she slumps down as her table. Someone walks in from the kitchen, setting a hot cup of coffee down for her, while chomping on some beans. "Thank you." She thanked; sleep deprived. She looks over at Shadow, as he put on a uniform. "Don't you look nice. Although I'm not used to seeing you with pants." She tells him, leaning her hand on her cheek.

        "I have a meeting today with, GUN. Some new project they want to do." Shadow tells her. He puts on his uniform coat and asks her, "How do I look?" The red head chipmunk leans back in her chair, looking him up and down in his Black dress pants with a red stripe down the side, White dress shirt that revealed just enough of his chest fluff and the dark gray jacket over it all hiding his gun on his left side. Sally smiles a mischievous grin, "~Yuumm~" He looks at the time and goes to leave, but she calls him telling him he forgot something. Shadow walks back to the table looking, when she pulls him down into a kiss. "It's rude not to kiss the girl before you leave." She tells him. He gives a peck before he leaves this time.

        It's been a few weeks since their first time together on Christmas eve and so on. To put it simple, neither of them are ready to date yet. So, for right now they have a casual Friends with Benefits thing going. With Sally giving him pointers and advice on what to do in a relationship, if he ever does get one.

Team Dark's office...

        Shadow had just return from the meeting and is now nibbling on some coffee beans while looking over the forms he needs to fill out. He looks over to Rouge's desk, with how everything is the way she left it, since she's been gone. At this point it has been over two weeks, and he's starting to get concern. Mainly because she hasn't been blowing up his phone with updates of what she's doing. He looks up when he hears the door opening. Rouge walks in, dragging her heels, as she slumps down in her chair. "...morning..." She mumbles. "You, used up a lot of your vacation days. Is it anything I should be worried about?" Shadow asked. "Personal stuff, Shadow..." She gowns. Flopping her head over she watches him, "Why, you look handsome~." She flirts, seeing him all dressed. She notices the paperwork and asked him about it.

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