Mission 24- Ghost Thief pt.2

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        The printer started prepping as they were getting the list, Hope said she send over. "Enough of this Girl talk, it's time to get back to work." She tells him, energetic. It was only 2 papers, one of the Scientists who have knowledge to do this and the other lesser but still possible suspects. They each read a list. "At least this shouldn't take long." She tells him positively. "I know one of them." The hedgehog tells her. "What?" He shows her the name, "Dr. Bohr Planck. He was one of the scientists on ARK, he even helped Professor Robotnik make my inhibitor rings." "That means we can talk to him sooner, right?" The silver bat asked confused, with the depressing look on his face. He sighs, sadly, "Not unless you want to use a Ouija board. Dr. Bohr died in a lab fire almost 3 years ago."

        They investigate all of the people on the lists, checking their alibis and supplies to make sure they were not dealing to a third party. One on the list was selling classify formulas with a private corporation, however it was not connected to their case. Team Dark travels to meet with some of Dr. Bohr's former lab assistance, that are currently working for a R and D firm. Hope was able to track down Dr. Bohr's personal lab assistant, hopefully he can give some in site as to what he was working on before his death.
        The three members of Team Dark are handed each a security badge, as they enter a Federation building. A egger Linx "runs" up to them and reaches out to shake Shadow's hand, with a large smile on his face. "Project Shadow, its amazing to actually meet you! The doctor spoke fondly of you. Oh! I'm sorry, you probably don't like to be called that, do you?" The Linx spoke fast.
        "No, I don't. Shadow is fine. Let's get to why we are here." The dark hedgehog said, with his brow lowered. The Linx stutters in embarrassment, "Y-yes. Right this way." As they walked Rouge leans into Shadow's ear and whispers, "Looks like someone's got another FAN~." He just rolls his eyes.

        The Linx takes them to a private lab. "Before his death, Dr. Bohr, was working on Matter displacement and Quantum Phasing. The device was theoretically designed to allow the wearer to phase from one Quantum phase to another, allowing matter to travel through solid objects. It was designed for, Firemen and Emergency responders, however we never did pass the testing phase." He tells them.
        Rouge raised a brow, with a hand on her hip, "What was the problem, for being stuck?" She asked. The Linx pulls out a reel from a locked storage safe, Shadow could see piles of documents inside. He plays the lab recordings. "At first, Dr. Bohr, could only phase the "lab rats" into one Quantum field, but he could never re-stabilize it." Rouge almost threw up at the site as what could be described as, the white rodents turning a shade of cyan light then into raw hamburger mash. "After years of no success, he was later approached to work with Professor Gerald Robotnik. He would often say you were the "key" that he was missing in his work."
        The Linx, gave them documents of supplies and reports on the project. At least what survived the fire. "What about the Phasing device?" Rouge asked, "Do you have it?" The Linx shakes his head, sadly, no. "We couldn't find it. We presumed it was destroyed in the fire."

        The grim hedgehog stands to his feet. "We will need all of the files, regarding the research, as well as a list of everyone who had access to the area. We can't rule out corporate espionage or theft." The Linx nods understanding, "I'll send you the original investigation report, along with a faculty list. I'm afraid if there is anything else it will need to be run through the channels, you understand right." He holds out his hand, and Shadow reaches to shake. "If the lab wasn't a accident, I want you to ketch who did it." The dark hedgehog simply gives him a firm nod.

~Later at G.U.N.

       Rouge has papers sprawled across the floor, as she maped out her work. Shadow was at his desk with them stacked in individual piles. He hangs up on after another background check on someone on their list. "James Finch, couldn't be our thief. He's been Honey mooning for the past 2 weeks." He scratches off another name, "You got any ideas?"
        The bat rocked her legs back and forth, before leaping to her feet. "I looked into the most likely jobs I could use to get in close. Security, Electrician, Janitor, a job that would help me blend in." She explained. "Why not any of the lab assistants or workers?" Her partner asked.      "Too high profile. It's better to use a job where you can come in and go out unnoticed, or at least a regular that wouldn't cause attention. That's why I have Omega search the logins and security tapes for the past months prior." The bat looks questionable at Shadow, "Why do you think the prototype survived the fire, a lot of high value stuff did get destroyed in it.?"

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