Mission 14- Topez (2/2)

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~Two days later...

          Things have become a little complicated between Rouge and Topez, ever since she learned Topez, had a drug addiction. She sits in the car waiting while Topez is leaning against the hood of her car. Off in the short distance Agent Berban Rabbit watched their backs. *"I know I'm not your first pick for back up, but can you stop with that look?"* Berban radioed, Rouge.

          "Its not you, Berban... I just got some things on my mind." She tells him. (Topez can not hear their conversation.) "Tell me something about yourself, Berban. You ever worked with a partner before?" The calms went silent for a moment, she could since she touched a sore spot. "Hey, if it's something too painful to-"

          "I used to part of a team in the beginning of the Eggman war." Berban tells her. She could hear his pain in his voice. "What happened?" She asks. "*sigh* I made a mistake. Look. If you want my advice, whatever is going on between you and your partner you need to get it out in the open and make things right. That's one of my most regrets..."* Berban tells her. There is a silence between them as she processes what he shared with her. *"Look alive."*

          Rouge gets out of the vehicle that Topez has been leaning on, as Brutus and some men rolled up. Rouge struts around wearing more casual clothes this time. "What happened? You set the time for the sell, then you show up almost a hour late. Were you followed?" Rouge questioned the drug lord.

          Brutus waves it off, "You said your buyers wanted only the best of my product, so it took a little longer to gather it up. No worries on the quality." Brutus says with a grin. He motions one of the humans, he pays, to open one of the duffle bags to show its full of Hau.

          "Forgive me, but my employers won't be satisfy with, just your word." Rouge tells him, as she walks closer pulling one of the small bags out and placing it on the hood of their vehicle. Where Berban can see, and get a recording of the deal.

          "So, what?" Brutus grins a toothy grin, "You wanting to try some of my product?" Sounding pleased with the idea of her taking a spell of Hau.

          "Please, there are other ways to test a product without compromising myself." Rouge tells him sternly. She pulls out a small black bag with a Iodine and some other chymical, and puts some on a small amount she separated. Testing the quality of it. "Its good. We have a deal." Rouge smiles, knowing that her job is done now. Topez puts the bag into their vehicle and Rouge hands over the payment. Suddenly they hear tires screeching!

          A Black SUV skids to a stop, as they two look around frantically. Rouge grabs her gun, because this was NOT part of the plan. "I thought you said you weren't followed?!" A group of body armored men rushed out of the SUV with rifles, firing!

          The crack of gun fire echoed in the area as rounds went off at them, as a group of five and one driver shot at them. Brutus and his men pull out their own guns and take cover behind their vehicle as Rouge also shot at their assailants. *POW!* Brutus shot his .45 close enough to Rouge that the sound numb her hearing. The painful ringing in her ears almost paralyzed her from acting. She shoots at them, as they took cover behind their SUV. Topez suddenly sweeps Rouge over the hood of their vehicle and guards her on the other side of the engine block. The next sound she could her was the quick, *Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka_Ka-Ka!* and the sound of metal ripping apart; ripping apart into flesh.

          "HURRY GRAB THE BAGS, AND MONEY!" One of their attackers ordered. Rouged checked her magazine to find she was empty, and they heard footsteps coming closer to them. The sound of glass breaking under boots. The sound of a round being chambered. "HEY, Swallow!" Burban yelled out, as he got their approaching executioner's attention. The armed attacker fired a round, but Burban blocked it with his gauntlet and fires a grapple into and out his shoulder, pulling himself closer. He then uses the body as a literal meat shield as their attackers shot at the agent. The Rabbit uses the other's handgun to shoot back as they rush to their SUV and escape.

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