Ch.8-Mayberry & Red Fruit

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       Shadow and Rouge are stuck in a small town for the time being. While Team Dark was on a mission, for GUN, the local law became unable to do their jobs. So, until replacements are sent, Shadow and Rouge are acting as temporary law enforcement. Its been two weeks...

        Shadow is in the Sheriff's office on the phone with, GUN. "What do you mean, we still need to wait?!" Shadow yells into the phone. After the phone call, Shadow flops down in the desk chair, rubbing his eyes. "Well, that sounded pleasant." Rouge said as she walked in, with their breakfast. She hands Shadow his Black coffee and muffin, while she sips her Cappuccino Latta. Shadow smells his fresh brew, "I'll give, Manic, this. He knows how make a cup of coffee." Rouge smiles at the dark hedgehog enjoying, his equal coffee. Manic the Hedgehog, is a green hedgehog who owns and runs the towns cafe, "Underground".

        Rouge is reading over some reports she's done the past few days. "Was that Thursday, or Friday, that Karl called about aliens abducting his cows?" Rouge asked looking thru her notes. "Friday. I remember, because before I left to check it out, you joked about letting you know when they start the anal probing." Shadow answers her. Rouge cringes at the memory of how it came out. Rouge looks over at Shadow as he sat in his chair, "You know, for the past week you've become really calm.?" Shadow raised a brow at her comment as he took another drink.

        As they worked, Rouge winces' in pain as she rolls her shoulders; Shadow noticed. "Shoulders killing you again?" He asked. "Ya. Just got a lot of tension from helping that house call, the other day." Rouge tells him. Rouge normally has this problem, with both her wings and breasts. "Do, you mind?" Rouge asked, Shadow, as she pointed at her shoulder. Shadow gets up and starts massaging her shoulders in a rolling motion. Rouge lays her head down on the desk, "~Mmm~. A little harder, please~." Rouge asked him and he did. Shadow couldn't see it, but Rouges tail was wagging. Their little session was cut off by someone repeatedly hitting the bell.

        Shadow walks over to the front desk, to see a very mad mobian. "Yes. The bell works. What is it today, Mr. Carter?" Shadow asked. "I WANT THAT MAD MAN ARRESTED!" Carter demanded. "What did Francis do?" Shadow asked. Francis and Carter are feuding neighbors, Shadow had to go out and deal with them the first week. "He broke into my property and destroyed my fertilizer. NOW I can't fertilize my Erythrina." Shadow nods in understanding, "Alright I'll see about Francis, and take care of this." 

        Carter with both hands on the desk, "You better, before something else does." Shadow has a agitated look as he leans in towards Carter, "That wouldn't be a threat, now would it? You would be smart enough not to threaten an officer.?" Cerk gets flushed as he leans back. "Have a good day, Sheriff."

        Shadow sighs as he goes to grab the handcuffs, Hope made for him. "Rouge, hold the fort while I find, Francis." Rouge sits up and waves to Shadow, "Have fun, Sheriff Mayberry!" Rouge joked. Shadow runs for the local motel, which looks like a B&B, to see if Francis had checked in a room. Hope Kintobor, the unofficial 4th member of Team dark, is staying here with Omega until they leave. "Morning, Hope." Shadow greeted. Hope just waves him off as she works on some programing, as she talked on the phone with someone... Shadow finds Francis in one of the rooms. "Mmm. I don't want to go to school, mommy." Francis said in a sleepy voice.

        "Francis. Its Shadow, I need you to come in, Mr. Carter has made some allegation against you." Shadow said standing there. "All I did was poor sand into his tank and cut some wires. Why do I have to come?" Francis asked. "Well for starters, you just confessed to trespassing and vandalism... Lets go." After Shadow dropped Francis back off, in the Sheriffs office, Shadow stopped by the "Underground."

        "Manic." Shadow greeted. "Shadow. What is it today?" Manic asked in a attitude. "Woh? What's with the tone.?" Shadow asked. Manic pinches the bridge of his noise as he waves Shadow off. "Its nothing. Just my nerves have been on edge, for the past few days." Manic confesses. After a short conversation Shadow gets a cup of coffee and leaves to do his rounds. He would never tell Rouge, but he found himself rather liking this quiet town, may be even settling down in one. 'Ha! That would be a nice pace from our normal chaotic life... Our?' Shadows thoughts were interrupted as a streak of wind rips thru the main road.

Shadouge- Partners till the End.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon