chapter 24 "the hunting"

Start from the beginning

I was aware Ashley refused to sleep in her bed, I couldn't understand why, maybe she felt vulnerable there, or just stubbornly wanted to refuse any gifts or luxuries or even just basic decency from me. She drove me crazy with her stubborn behaviour, that defiant look in her eyes, the power behind her voice.

It made my wolf excited thinking about her, because all those things only made her more attractive to me.

That confidence she held, powerful and demanding of respect, her lethal skills, I'm sure she must have thought of killing me at least once.

She was dangerous, filled with fury and blazing strength.

It made a deep blush cross my face as I thought about her, she was beautiful like a rose, and had the thorns to match.

She made my heart skip, every glare she gave me felt like a challenge and it filled me with a strange but exciting emotion that brought forward some well, less than innocent thoughts.

Especially after that night together, fuck it played in my mind every time I thought it would leave me alone.

But my wolf refused to let that feeling go, so desperate to get that affection from our mate again, I had to remind him to be patient. I know he just wanted to smother her in love but I knew it would scare her off.

I must have zoned out while thinking, my pen trailed off the paper onto the table leaving a stain.

I groaned a little and pinched the bridge of my nose.

I sighed as I got up to grab some cleaning supplies from my ensuite bathroom connected to my room and office. I kept some under the sink for any messes.

But just as I crouched down to open the cupboard I got a really really bad feeling, like Ashley was suddenly very distant from me.

She couldn't leave, right?

Or did she finally come up with a plan to break out and escape?

The dread filled my stomach like a bowling ball and I felt the anxiety spine in my mind.

Even my wolf was getting nervous.

I shot to my feet again and quickly made my way out of my room, flying down the stairs being as quiet as I could in my panic.

I made my way to her door, the guards had changed over already but they told me they didn't see or hear anything, that didn't settle my anxiety though.

I asked them to open the door for me but there was something jamming the lock, a piece of metal or plastic, it kept me from getting the door unlocked and my wolf was getting agitated the longer this took.

Eventually I lost my patience.

My wolf lending me his strength helped me pull the door clean off its hinges, throwing it behind me.

A wave of the room's scent washed over me as I walked in.

I moved in slowly at first, her scent in the room calmed me for just a moment.

But that Panic quickly set back in when I realised the room was cold and empty, she wasn't here, She had somehow managed to slip out.

Like a ghost.

I chuckled a little in frustration as I ran my fingers through my hair and let a thunderous growl escape my throat.

'Markus, Callum, I want you and the best trackers here now, Ashley got out, I don't know how long ago but we need to find her fast, before she slips out again from pack territory'

'what!? How!? There's always guards there and I saw her today, she seemed to be settling in!' Markus sounded absolutely shocked over the mind link.

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