The Second Night

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As the movie comes to an end, mum says "ok right, bed time now"

On a normal occasion you would protest this, however right now you are extremely tired and it is way later than what you would usually stay up to. You also don't want to be tired tomorrow so you follow mums orders and you stand up and you head towards your room. Nia does the same and heads into her room.

Once you are in your room with the door closed behind, you remove the skirt along with the rest of your outfit. Leaving you in just your wet pull-up. You think about going to ask mum for another one, but you decide against it. You think to yourself "it'll be fine" "i'm 12, I don't need these stupid things anyway"

You get into bed (Still with your pull-up on) and you fall asleep quickly due to your already very tired state.

Also i know i have been gone for a while, but i'm back now and i hope to get another chapter out soon. Over 130K views is insane so thank you all for that :)

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