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The car pulls into the airport car park and you all start taking your bags out.

You fiddle with your trousers, doing your best to hide your pull-up, eventually you get to a point where you think that it's well hidden. you, Nia, and mum, enter the huge airport building, mum then points at a bench and says, "you two, go sit there while I sort out tickets".

You and Nia sit on the bench, and Nia says,

"Hey, Kevin I'm surprised you maneged to hold it, you looked like you were really desperate".

"I almost didn't, if we were just 10 seconds later I wouldn't have been able to make it, in fact I did accidentally let I small bit of pee out into my pull-up", you reply.

"Wait really, so you're not really dry,
That's hilarious you are SUCH a baby".

"It was only a small amount, besides you wear and wet pull-ups every night".

"I don't wet mine in the day, besides you're far older than me".

"Nia, can you please not tell mum, about me wetting?".

"Fine, but I still know you've been sitting in a wet pull-up for over an hour".

You begin to play on your Nintendo switch while you wait for mum.

15 mins later

"You two, come on we need to go over there so we can do final touches to our bags before we go through security", mum says, pointing to some other benches.

You Nia, and mum walk over to a different bench set next to security to look through their bags.

"So Kevin, do you have the 3 pull-ups in your bag?"

"Yes, mum"

"Show me,"

"But mum, what if people see?"

"Nobody will see, besides if they do, they won't care, now give me your bag".

With a sigh you hand mum your carry-on bag. She opens it and says,
"Ah good the three pull-ups are here, perfect now Nia, yours?" "Ok", Nia says before handing mum her bag, "ah good you also have what I asked you to pack, now then make sure everything in your bags is perfect, because everything in your carry-on bag is what you will have for the ENTIRE flight."

Once both you and Nia decided that your bags are perfect and you go through security relatively uneventfully.

Then you enter into the main waiting section and sit down to eat lunch,

You don't know why but Nia weirdly smiles when she sees you drink your drink.

After a short delay we board the plane.

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