Girly clothes and a diaper

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You go up to Mum and say, Mum, my bag is soaked, the tide must have come in while we were paddling.

"Nia, do you have the change of clothes and spare pull-up I told you to pack"? Mum says to Nia.

"I still have them both In my bag, but I need the pull-up, I wet mine", Nia replies.

Hah, baby, you say to Nia.

"Actually, I wet mine intentionally, because I didn't want to stop playing with Millie", Nia says.

"Kevin, you can wear your sisters spare clothes, as for a pull-up, me and Nia will look in the shop, first however me and Nia will have to change into our clothes.

Nia and Mum change into there clothes, (and for Nia also into a new pull-up). They then go over to the shop, to look for pull-ups for you, while you wait you drink the entirety of the drink Nia made for you (you were very thirsty after paddling) you then take your swimming shorts off, revealing your destroyed pull-up, you go to put it in the bin, but you can't help but notice that the pull-up Nia was wearing wasn't wet at all. But your thought was interrupted by Mum knocking on the door. Followed by her speaking, initially you get excited when you hear, "they didn't have any pull-ups" But then she says, "but they have these, initially you are sad that you won't be going diaper-free, that sadness then turns into anger when your mum pushes a pack off BABY DIAPERS under the door.

IM NOT WEARING THOSE, you yell, infuriated with the concept of wearing baby diapers.

"Look, I'm not even going to argue with you, but you are putting them on", Mum says.

No I'm not, I'm not a baby.

"You sure are acting like one, Kevin it would be so much easier if you just put one on, this isn't a permanent thing, it's just until we get back to the hotel".

I don't care, can't I just go without them? You say.

"Your really going to make me do this, aren't you Kevin"?

Do what?

"Fine, you leave me no other choice", Mum says, she then enters the room and picks up the pack of diapers.

You attempt to run out of the room but it's no use, Mum stops you before you even get close, not wanting it to take longer, and seeing that you have no way off winning, you eventually lie down on the bench to get changed.

Mum wastes no time changing you, she speedily takes a diaper out of the packet, puts it on your crotch and does up the tapes. She then says, "that wasn't to hard was it? Anyway you can get into the clothes yourself"

But Mum, they are all girls clothes, you say.

"No buts, it's better than going out in just a diaper? Right?"

You sigh and nod your head.

"Good, you should be fully dressed in 5 minutes", your mum says while leaving.

You slowly toddle over to Nia's bag, the diaper makes it so difficult to walk, it's so thick and babish. You open up the bag and sigh, looking at the contents, a very short pink skirt, a purple unicorn shirt, and long pink and white striped socks.

You put it all on, and unfortunately it all fits, and even worse is that it barely hides the diaper, even just a bit of sag and it would reveal itself.

From big brother to little sister (new parts out now!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora