Aboard the plane

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You enter the plane and pick your seats, you sit by the window Nia sits in the middle and your mum sits in the aisle seat.

You all put your bags on the overhead racks, and angle your seats.

You get out your switch and you begin
To play games while Nia reads a book.

The plane soon takes off and goes airborne.

Eventually you get bored of your switch, Nia is sleeping and mum is reading a book, you begin to slowly get tired,
And after a few minutes you are completely asleep

2 hours later

You wake up with a weird feeling in your stomach and bowles, you think nothing of it and start playing on your switch,

5 mins later

The weird feeling has gotten worse, but then you body begins to contact, and then you begin to feel huge movements in your bowels, at first you didn't know what was happening, but then you begin letting out multiple large farts and you realised what was happening, you attempt to prevent the inevitable,
But it was no use, with a large fart you feel your pull-up fill with warm soft squishy mush, it took a few seconds to set in that you had messed your pull-up , on a plane, with hundreds of people on it. You pat around under your trousers, but luckily it seems like it didn't leak.

30 mins later

You've been sitting in your messy pull-up for ages now, all the mess had grown cold.

You have an aching feeling in your bladder, you really need to pee, you hold it for as long as you can, but it was an impossible plan, so you reluctantly soak your pull-up, it begins to slowly grow warmer as you wet, once again you pat around, ant surprisingly it still hadn't leaked, but the pull-up was not doing well, it was sagging heavily.

However, despite your uncomfortable situation in your pull-up you still manage to drift off to sleep.

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