Driving to the airport

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You begin to relax and start playing games on your Nintendo switch while Nia reads, after a while you get board and put your switch away before looking out of the window for a bit, Nia notices your boredom and says, "hey Kevin, wanna play i-spy?"

You agree and go first, you pick tree, she gets it relatively easily, she picks cloud and you get it almost immediately, from there the game lasts another half an hour, before you need to really use the toilet, you say, "mum!, I need the toilet", she says, there is one a few miles away, can you hold till then,

"I think", you say, not too sure after that morning.

"Ok sweetie"

25 minutes later you say.

"Mum!, I really really need the toilet"

She says, "we are nearly there", just try and hold it till we get there.

It feels like your bladder is going to burst, Nia seems to notice your situation, and is getting ready to laugh.

A minute later mum says, "we are at the toilet, quick go!"

You desperately run to the toilet, flashing the pink pull-up waistband to everybody in the park, you run right into the toilet, and try to get in on-time you almost get it, right as you get there a small spurt of pee into your pull-up before you quickly get onto the toilet, and let it out once your done peeing, you look at your pull-up to see the damage, luckily it seems like you didn't wet it much, it was mostly dry, not even enough to show on the wettnes indicator.

You breath a sigh of relief, that was close. You step out of the toilet and run back to the car and get in.

Your mum immediately asks, "are you wet?' You reply,  "no, I made it".

"Good, we will be at the airport in about an hour", mum says.

You boot your switch back up and wait till you get there.

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