Breakfast+an unexpected meeting

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You peer into the window of the breakfast buffet with Nia, you look around and it is amazing, food of many types, waffles, croissants, pancakes, bacon, sausages, beans, and more, not to mention drinks, fruit juice of all types, fizzy drinks and soda, not to mention that there's almost nobody there.

As you walk in however, you see somebody unexpected, Nia's best friend Millie and her mum, leaving the buffet. Nia says, MILLIE! why are you here? While they run up to eachother and start chatting, your mum and her mum say hi and your mum says, "I didn't know you would be here, anyway where's Jason?" (a friend you have), her mum responds, "it was a super last minute decision, but it was a good price, so we chose to go, as for Jason, he didn't want to go so he went to his friends house".

"Oh okay, do you want to go paddling with us later"?

"Sure, should we meet at the eastern beach"?

"Yeah, around 12?

"Yeah, that sounds perfect, we'll go get our wet suits".

The two mum's exchange there goodbyes, and you enter the buffet.

You can't help but enjoy the smell of the buffet as you all walk in and chose your table, you then go up to the buffet.

You can't help but be enthralled by the all aroma off the buffet, the endless food and drink, the delicious smell, not to mention that it's almost all yours, reality seems to disappear as you make sure you won't be hungry or thirsty for a long time. You take 2 waffles, 2 pancakes, 3 croissants, 4 pieces of bacon, and 4 sausages and a serving spoon of beans, not to mention the usual selection off syrup, honey, butter, and others. And for drinks you take 2 cups of apple juice, a cup of orange juice and a bottle of Fanta.

After eating it all you feel absolutely stuffed, Nia and Mum also seem full,
After taking a few minutes to digest you three head back to the hotel to get your swimming costumes.

From big brother to little sister (new parts out now!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat