Sixteen. In times of necessity

Start from the beginning

First he must give the information to Namjoon, have whatever he wants to ask him for the night and with that-

"The unobtanium overwhelms you so much, you didn't even notice."

Jimin puts a hand to his neck and catches his breath, desperate in the small space of the car. He leans back from the wall and feels desperately, tries to find to open the door, but it is impossible. Junghwa parks the car in an alley. Leeseung drove away long ago with the trucks. Jimin bangs his head against the window, choking. He doesn't understand why he feels so bad.

"Wh... what did you... what did you..." He gives a high-pitched, anguished whimper. "Wh-what did you do to me" he whimpers squeezing his face.

Junghwa pulls him out of the car to throw him into the back seat. Jimin squirms, turning to try to flee out the other door. Barely aware of the danger. His head is throbbing, his body is burning. So many things all at once, along with his heart beating so much slower. He sobs, everything starts to lose its brightness, his vision seems to shrink, like the dirty lens of a camera and...


The world looks like before.

Jimin brings his hands to his face, giving a groan. He doesn't like this. It doesn't feel good. It's horrible. His head is working weird. Like it's broken. Jimin shrinks back into himself and Junghwa gives a mocking laugh, finding Jimin's state pathetic.

"Had I known you were so easy to neutralize, I would have done it a hell of a lot sooner."

Jimin paws at him and becomes more insistent, shrieking in hysterical desperation. He doesn't want me to touch him. He wants him to walk away. He loathes it Why won't he move away? No matter how much Jimin uses his claws, Junghwa puts up with it, all to keep teasing him, to keep hurting him. There's no other way to call this invasion of his space. That makes his head and chest ache.

"Don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me DON'T TOUCH ME DON'T TOUCH ME DON'T TOUCH ME...!"

Junghwa covers his mouth with a hand and presses himself on top of Jimin, whose eyes have lost luster and are not able to look him in the eyes, as if it is impossible. A kind of repellent. He keeps laughing at him and Jimin fails to close his legs.

"It only remains for me to figure out... how to neutralize that shitty character of yours... and everything will be perfect."

┈ ⋞ 〈 ✷ 〉 ⋟ ┈

His house seems to have received an earthquake, the funniest thing about it, is that same earthquake tried to fix everything. Jungkook advances with the gun in his hand. He must have been a thief or a stray Altered as usual. In his room, he finds what caused it: Jimin.

Jungkook approaches and puts his hands on his waist, judging him. "Why did you break everything? Unless you want to join me to replace it all the way to the kitchen, I don't think it's... Jimin?"

Jungkook notices him fixing his hair every so often, almost manic; his graceful, slow movements seem to have disappeared and Jimin doesn't see his face. Even when he notices Jungkook there. Jungkook only notices what's on the floor: the few items of jewelry he has and the ones Jimin must have had on when he arrived.

"Jimin? Yuujujuuuuu Jimin?" Jungkook snaps his fingers in front of him. "HEY!" he yells, thinking he's playing or something, Jimin paws at him and scratches him in the face by accident, knocking him backwards. Jungkook is left sitting on the ground and because of his stumble, he changed everything around.

Jimin arranges it without saying anything, arranges his hair and rubs his forehead. "It's... ugly... I don't like it, I don't like it" he stammers grumpily and hugs his bare legs. Jungkook hisses, sore. Fortunately, the scratch on his face is minimal.

Jimin's cell phone rings. It does so for a long time and he doesn't answer. On the contrary, he is stunned and throws the device further away, hating the sound. Jungkook decides to answer it, also annoyed by the sound.

"Where the fuck are you? You should be here. I told you to come Did you try the claws? What... Jimin?"

"He's... busy or something." reports Jungkook, peeking out to see Jimin, who notices the bullets that popped out of his pocket. They're shiny, he likes it.

"Ah, it's you... What's wrong with him, is he bleeding or something, does he have wounds?" Jungkook stammers, he doesn't look injured. Not seriously at least. More like he looks like he just came from having sex. "Why do you say he's busy, is he blowing you? I didn't think there was anyone who would silently put up with fellatio from him. With the slutty mouth he's got-"

"No! It's not like that...! What are you talking about?!"

"Reality. Don't play stupid, you know what I'm talking about" sneers Namjoon indiscreetly. "What's he doing then?"

"Sitting in a corner, playing with a bullet and some jewelry."

"Has he seen your face?"

"Not once. He was startled by the sound."

"Shit... In his back pocket there must be a kit with injections. Put one in his neck... unless you want to deal with him like that. I don't recommend it."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." grumbles Jungkook.

"Depending on how much time has passed, he's going to start to agonize. His heart beats too slow and his brain doesn't generate enough chemicals. If by an hour you don't inject him, you'll see a real problem... although that's your problem."

Namjoon hangs up and Jungkook has a brilliant idea. Jimin could be normal. It's just a matter of not giving him whatever Namjoon injects him with regularly. He manages to move him to the bed to remove that injection kit. There is only one, the others are empty and a small label warning when he used each one.

It only takes fifteen minutes for what Namjoon warned about to happen - Jimin starts crying and scratches himself.

"I don't like it... I don't like it" Jimin whimpers. "Everything looks dark... gloomy... it's not me... this is not me- I can't be me, I don't want to be me. I don't like it" sobs looking at the wall, dead center and tears streaming down his face. "I don't want hurts so much...I-I don't like it. I don't want be this again- don't wanna be broken. I don't like it... I d-don't like it. "

Bites his lips did Jimin feels broken before? That's the reason to be an Altered? Jungkook tries to hug him, but again, Jimin refuses. "Jimin, It's me, it's okay-"

"Don't touch me I don't want you to touch me! I don't like it... I don't... I don't like it..."

The only reason Jungkook can see Jimin's face, is because of the lip piercing. Jungkook moves it on purpose, managing to get his attention and somehow, he wonders: Is this how he was before he changed? This obfuscated.

This dull...

Fortunately, Jimin doesn't have his strength, so it's easy for Jungkook to sit on him, line up the needle and plunge it into his neck. Jimin twitches and clings to him, whimpering that it burns and snuggling into him. Just like a wounded animal. Jungkook sways in place, letting it normalize.

Happy, because deep down, that Jimin is here means he finds it as a safe place within his utter need and ailment. Unable to go with Namjoon, to hide alone.

Jimin came all the way here.

With him.

And by that, to Jungkook, it means that he is just as important to Jimin, as the cat is to him.

Black • Cat | KookMin || BOOK 2#Where stories live. Discover now