Two. Surly

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The issue of the Altered wanting to attack The Blue House was a real stir for a month and a half. His whereabouts were not known, but the chaos he was causing was. For that reason, classes are suspended. Jimin doesn't care. Here or there, what matters is that he can go out at night to get more of the shiny, pretty things he wants.

Last time, two nights ago, he got his kind benefactor to give him the cell phone he wanted so badly. All it took was a squeeze of his penis. He wasn't even naked, either of them. He mumbled something about liking his little hands, which seemed more childish than they should.

Whatever it is, Jimin doesn't care. He got the cell phone, has a green ring, a matching necklace, some ear clips. He's thinking of asking her for money to get piercings or better yet, find another equally perverse, but wealthy person to get him what he wants.

Jimin hates needing money. He never has hardly any! Barely enough to keep from starving outside the house. It's a dull and miserable existence in her opinion. The more time he spends in Seoul, the more he realizes that he wants to visit many places, have a hundred belongings even if he doesn't use them and change all his wardrobe.

Jimin is not satisfied with the clothes his parents insist on giving him.

They are very boring.

It's always ugly pants and shirts.

Jimin wants skirts, dresses, full suits, dressy clothes, casual clothes; rather than just clothes to be at home and be from his older brother or second hand. Because they spend it on other things, like their big brother. That they should give him everything because he's going to college and silly things that for Jimin, it doesn't justify Why don't they give nice things to him? Why all the nice things to his brother?

Jimin knows that's what happens: they love his older brother more than him. He's just as boring as they are.

Or rather, Jimin is convinced that's what happens.

Living in Korea is expensive. Especially with two children. Nevertheless, they came all the way to Seoul, didn't they? That's evidence that there's a lot more money than they admit when they spout the "we spend it all on your brother who does study" excuse. Also that his mom hides her clothes from Jimin now. She is selfish.

Jimin hasn't said anything else about it, limited to playing on his new cell phone. None of them ask where Jimin got it. They assume and with a psychopath on the loose, the last thing you need in any household is to add more stress.

"I'm surprised we haven't had any complaints from you these days. Why are you so quiet?"

Jimin says nothing, engrossed in his game. It's more entertaining than paying attention to his mother. After all, she just wants to know if they will have any new garments to pawn. While he has it, he doesn't want them to keep it. He likes it very much and is unwilling to lose it for them to keep the money.

If they would at least give it to him, he would be indifferent. He could buy many little things he likes using it.

"Jimin still doesn't look up from his game. "Jimin" Mrs. Park calls him back, gets the same result: nothing. Her son treats her as if she were invisible. She opts for the next best thing: take away his cell phone. Jimin squeals, annoyed of it, of the momentary touch and banging on the couch. "I'm talking to you, I want you to listen to me" claims the woman with a hand on her waist. "It's impor-"

"NO! I LOST! I LOST!" claims Jimin worriedly and she pats his cheek, making him lower his gaze to her face and put the cell phone on the back burner, giving low moans. Jimin hates being touched.

"It's important," Jimin presses his lips together. "Since you don't plan on bringing anything else home, keep it that way. I don't want to have to deal with angry families, people claiming things we don't have" Sure, sell it before they come to claim and wipe their hands of the issue, Jimin thinks vaguely, jaw twitching, "and ending up spending more money we don't have."

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