Session Two- 7

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I was having a fake dinner with Jackson, just to get him out of the house so my brothers could be saved from his grasp. We finished and went to the house, he opened the door to no one being in there "WHERE DID THEY GO!" He turned to me "You had something to do with this." I smiled "I would never." He slapped me "You.. little.. brat! At least you killed six of them." I grinned at him "YOU DIDNT KILL THEM HOW! I WATCHED YOU!" He said furious he didn't get his way. He punched me in the gut as I fell to the floor he grabbed my hair and made me look at him "You going to regret everything." He dragged me to a chair and tied the ropes tight around my hands and legs. He got close to my ear "See you in the morning Min." He laughed but at least it was me and not my brothers anymore.

One Month Later- No Ones POV

"We looked everywhere there not there!" Rose said.  Namjoon punched the table, "WE HAVE TO FIND HER WHOS KNOWS WHAT HE HAS DONE TO HER." Hwang came in, he looked awful. Bangchan and Yoongi walked up to him "Hey how are you feeling." He didn't respond just grabbed a cup of water and went back to his room. Lily walked in "Sorry hes just been missing Min they where supposed to get married yesterday." The brothers exchanged glances at one another.

Lily noticed this "You really should get to know him he's not as bad as you think." She said sitting at the table. One of Mins guards ran in and handed a phone to Bangchan. It was a message 'Little Min is doing well don't you worry about her. Besides she in great health.' A video attachment came through. The video showed Min chained to a wall. She had cuts and bruises everywhere. 'Smile Min!' Jackson said getting closer' I said smile, he had grabbed her face and made her smile. Her face was covered in blood and cuts. A glass dropped behind them, it made everyone jump.

Hwang POV

Hwang stood behind them and watched the video. He was angry and upset, How could someone do this to his fiancé! He ran back upstairs as Jungkook and Tae followed "Hwang stop!" Jungkook said. Hwang tried to run by them. He didn't make it, Soobin and Yoongi ran in "Hwang, we all want her back hug we need a plan and we need to know where she is!"

Hwang was fuming they found Min. Why cant they just go save her, they can track her right? He passed up and down thinking about the place Jackson took Min to. Low ceiling, dirty walls with old wallpaper and broken windows. He stopped "I know where she is!" He ran over to the group and pulled up a map and zoomed in on an abandoned house that they all recognized "He... brought her there...I can't believe we didn't recognize it" Kai said tears coming to his eyes. "Min took me there and told me what happened. I'm sorry." Hwang looked down "Hey you found our little sister, you have nothing to be sorry about!" IN said hugging him. "Lets get ready to go save Min." Changbin said.

Jackson POV

I finally had the girl of my dreams, though she was currently chained to a wall because she wouldn't listen to me. She used to be so small and adorable, now shes rebellious and stubborn, still cute though. I walked through the halls of the house she used to stay in over there summers. I thought it would be q great idea for her to visit the past do she knows what I am capable of.

I walked in on her trying to get out on the chains "Hey, you know the rules no trying to escape." She looked at me, i do love the deadness in her eyes "You know damn well what happened here!" I nodded at her comment "What is this place giving you flashbacks? Just remember I can do the same." She tried to run at me but failed "When I get out you're a dead man!" I smiled and got closer, her lips were so red, "I know." I looked her up and down "I will be back later Min!" I said leaving.

Boys POV

Namjoon, BangChan and Soobin left to met up with BlackPink. They met in a construction zone "Anything?" The girls shook there head, Namjoon sighed going back to the car "Ya know I'm surprised he doesn't have white hair. Anyway we didn't want to stress him out but we did find something." Jisoo held out Mins necklace "She left it behind or dropped it but your house is clear. Nothing was taken." They smiled "Thank you." BangChan said as Soobin smiled "Can't wait to be home again." He followed Namjoon to the car and they handed BangChan Mins necklace "You all better hurry." He nodded leaving them. They went back to the place Min had brought them for safety to tell everyone the good news. "Good we can actually have our equipment." Hyunjin said exited. They all left bring Hwang and Lily with them.
Should I do a mini episode of what happened at the house they were talking about?
I hope you all enjoyed it! If you did leave a like and follow! As always see you in the next chapter! 💜❤️💙

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