Season Two- 1

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3 years after Min Left her Brothers


"It's such a pity I finally died huh? Murdered in my own room! Stabbed 30 times!" I giggled a little bit "Don't you think we went a bit too far?" "Never Lily, Never!" I covered my face with the small black net on my hat as I sat down in a pew in the back of the church, watching everyone enter.

I watched as my brothers entered, they looked sad and angry at the same time. I sighed and watched as everyone stood up and gave heartfelt last words to me, at least they would been if I knew they were all lies.

The fake funeral went on for hours before it was over "Your brothers they haven't said anything this whole time." Hwang said coming in and sitting next to the two girls. "Typical, let's go I have work to do." as they left they heard something that made Lily almost stop Min "Min we are so sorry..." Hwang and Lily looked at each other worried as Min continued walking away.

---3 Years Later---

Felix and Taehyun POV

"GET DOWN!" Felix yelled to his brother as shots started to fire around them. This mission was just for Felix and Taehyun since it fits their skills the best, They tried to shoot back "Felix any luck getting in contact with the others?" Taehyun asked shooting back at the people and then ducking behind the barrier again "No, our signal has been jammed." the shooting stopped and started again just not at them.

They looked over the barrier and saw that no one was there. They took the opportunity to finish the mission: kill the boss. They got to the office, and they stopped and looked around before entering inside. They walked up to the chair guns raised, and they turned the chair around to find the Mafia Boss dead with a note 'Better Luck Next Time ; )' Felix threw something on the ground "They keep beating us to it!" they both sighed and left to room ready to go home. Someone was running at them and ran straight into them.

When the person backed up they recognized her immediately "Lily! What in the world?!?!" she looked at them then behind her and took off running at the sound of voices. People in heavy-duty armor appeared running at them. Before the first guard came close he fell dead to a shot in the head from somewhere. The rest started to fall until no one stood in front of them. They looked at each other and decided to get out as soon as possible.

They managed to get out of the building in a timely manner. They walked to the car they had parked a block over when they heard something familiar "Min that was awesome! The way you shot them amazing aim!" "Ya and you two make a great team!" there hearts stopped when they heard the third voice chime in "Stop, come on now we are all amazing!" a second girl voice said. It sound so much like Min, so they decided to check it out. They went over to the voices and hid behind and wall of building materials.

When they looked they saw a three people. One the recognized to be Lily, one was a guy who they thought was Hwang from the way he stands and the other had long dark hair and stood with crossed arms. They hid when the girl looked at them, it was definitely Min. But how... she died 3 years ago. Before they had time to react something sharp met their necks and before there eyes closed they saw Min talking to a fourth person "Take them home." she walked away as everything went black.


We were talking about how the mission went when I heard rustling. "Shh." both Lily and Hwang look at me worried. I called the guard who was waiting at our car to come over. "They are over there. Knock them out." they guard nodded sneaking over there. When he managed to knock them out I went to see which two of my brothers had come this time sense I didn't get a clear look when they were in the building. I looked at them as they fell to the ground, it was Felix and Taehyun.

I sighed "Take them home." the guard nodded and dragged them to there car. "I will send someone to pick you up." I told him as he left. "Let's go home I'm tired." I got in the back of the car as Lily took the driver side and Hwang took the passenger side. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Lily POV

Min was asleep in the back seat "Hwang what do you think we should do?" he sighed "I think we should let this run it coarse, someday she she will see that see needs her brothers." I nodded "And if she doesn't?" "I pray for the world." we got back to the house. Hwang brought Min into her room and put her to bed before leaving to his room. I sighed and went to the kitchen. I took out my phone there was one message on it. I knew who it was from, I didn't open it. I got a glass of water and went to bed thinking about Min and her brothers.


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