Episode 12- Mission Two

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Mission Details- Lee Know(Dealer), Han(Fighter), Tae(Fighter), Jungkook(Fighter) and Bangchan(Leader/Fighter)

Min Pov

'Of all the places why here? Why?' 

I sat outside hidden in the trees on my motorcycle watching my brothers gear up. 'This could go bad or really well.' I head something in the distance that peaks my attention. I look to my brothers who must have also heard it because they started running over there. I grabbed my sniper and ran over trying not to be seen by my brothers. At the gate, there were lots of people. My brothers put their masks on and somehow got inside. As for the noise, it was just a horn to alert everyone that the gate was opening. Now I had to figure out how I was going to get in. I looked around and found a weak point in the fence surrounding the facility. I managed to squeeze through. I ran to the wall and looked around. 

'Theoretically, this should be a storage space, but with my luck, it's not.' I managed to find a high window I could climb up to. I looked in 'Well not a very good storage house, guess I have to go in' I sneaked around the outside of the building until I hit the back door. 'In we go' I snuck in and found a place to hide while I waited for my brothers.  

Bothers Pov 

We got inside the facility "Wow they did a great job designing this storage warehouse" Tae said 

"I really hope that's sarcasm. These shelves aren't even. Like that one sticks way out into the walkway and that one you wouldn't be able to see unless you stood next to it." Han said dissatisfied with the shelves "We get it. Can we move on with the mission?" Lee Know asked. 

Han nodded and they continued walking further into the building. After a while Jungkook chimed in "Hey have we been walking in a circle this whole time?" they looked around and realized he was right but before anyone could answer someone in the distance answered, 

"Well, well, well look who it is." the person came into view, it was the person they were there to get info from. "Glad you all could join us." "Us?" Han asked "There is only one of you." "In front of you. yes" At that moment they felt sharp pain in their necks. 

Min Pov

I sat high in a shelf when I saw other snipers. Luckily they didn't see me so I watched as my brothers walked in circles. They stopped and when they did a new person moved into view. After the person was done talking I saw the other snipers get ready to shoot. I put mine up but before I could do anything something touched the back of my head "Do and you die" I froze but before I could do anything my brothers had been knocked out "What is your problem!" I quickly turned around and grabbed the gun from the person behind me "Boss they are up here!" the guy yelled "Damn it. You messed it up." I grabbed my sniper and ran, well more like climbed down then ran. Not sure where I was going but I ran. I came upon a boiler room which I took the opportunity to hide in. They ran past "We can deal with this later. Lets' go see our new guests that we have captured. They walked away and I let sighed "Damn it!" I looked around and spotted something interesting.

Brother Pov 

We woke up in a strange room tied to chairs "Came to get info from me, but I beat you to it. Hahaha!" "Are you done?" Jungkook asked annoyed "You got nowhere to go because if you do you will be shot dead on the spot" he leans closer to Jungkook and taking out his knife "I hope you try to escape." he cuts Jungkook's cheek "You shouldn't have done that." Tae said in a dangerous tone "When I get out of here your a dead man" "Not unless you die first. I will be back there is another rat I need to take care of." he walks out.

"This mission is going great so far" Han said sarcastically. "Well maybe if Lee Know did his job we wouldn't be in this mess" Tae said aggressively "Don't go blaming me because of this. There is nothing I could have done" the bickering goes on and on until "Guys shush. You hear that?" Bangchan said. They all went silent and when they did they heard fighting from outside. "Whos out there?" as soon as he said that something slide under the door and hit Bangchans feet. 

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