Episode 6

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I opened my eyes seeing that surprisingly back at the hotel in my room. I didn't understand what happened I painfully stood up and went to the door. I tried to open it but it was locked 


No one came I banged on the door yelling for them but they didn't come. The room went away and I was stuck in black void. 

"Hello? Anyone there?" 

"You ruined everything we could have caught the mafia queen." 

"I want the person dead whoever did this!" 

A gunshot ran out my side started to hurt I fell to the ground 

"I'm sorry." 

I looked up and Namjoon oppa had a gun to my head and he fired. 

Min Pov

I woke up in a cold sweat 

"OPPA". Everyone ran into the room 

"What's wrong Min? Are you okay?" Yeonjun ran up to me worried. 

All I could say was "I'm sorry." 

They didn't seem to understand why I was saying sorry. After a few minutes I finally calmed down 

"Where did you go Min, the other night?" Seungmin asked worried. 

"What do you mean? I was here." 

Yoongi's face turned bright red "NO YOU WHERE NOT!" 

I jumped a little bit scared of how Yoongi reacted but I was confused, a few nights ago? How long was I asleep for all I remember is them leaving for their mission, my dream and blacking out. 

"Oppa I was here I don't know what you are talking about." 

"Min we found you passed out in the hallway when we got back." Taehyun told me softly.

Flashback~ BTS Pov 

RM was in a rage "

WHO DID IT?" he yelled at all of us. 

"Hyung calm down!" Jk said worried 

"I think I know no one can make a shot like that and we know she might have been forced to do it." 

This didn't seem to help at all it just made him more mad 


They felt like it was Min she's not one to listen and she was the only one who could make the shot but if it was her then why did she jump and where did she go? 

"Lets just go back to the hotel." Felix said and they all nodded in agreement. 

As soon as they got back to the hotel they went back up to the top floor. 

"MIN" Beomgyu ran up to an unconscious body laying on the floor. 

"You really should keep a closer eye on her I found her being pulled into a van but they put something in her. I think it might be a drug to make people forget." 

They all turned around to see the guy Min ran into when they arrived. 

"Who are you?" Seungmin asked putting his hand on his gun. 

"Someone sent to look after that crazy sister of yours," the mysterious man replied. 

They looked at him dumbfounded 

"Well I'm off" he left. 

"So it was Min?" RM said to himself as he left going back to his room. 

End Of Flashback Still BTS Pov

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