Season Two - 4

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No One's POV

"Want to elaborate on that?" BangChan yelled as Yoongi didn't respond "Yoongi!" Jin yelled as Hobi walked up to his brother "Hey, who is it?" Yoongi looked at him "Well he used to be our apprentice. The kid who couldn't do anything." Yoongi said sighing. "Oh, I remember him! What was his name again? Ash whatever. He was kinda annoying always asking where Min was." Kai said. They all nodded in agreement "Hey Seungmin did you put the tracker on one of the two?" Yeonjun asked, "Yes I did!" Seungmin excitedly "Good, we can go get them later." Soobin said heading to his room.

Min's Pov

I paced back and forth waiting for them to come back. The door opened and I ran up to them and hugged them "Gosh you guys don't scare me like that!" "Sorry Min. But also what were you doing at the restaurant?" Hwang asked as I let go of the hug, "Well I wanted to make sure you both were okay." everyone sighed at me "What?!" "Listen, we were fine we can handle ourselves. Besides the girls came to get us." Lily said, "They did?" I asked confused.

Four girls walked in "Your majesty." "I'm not talking to you." I sat down and pouted and Rose walked over and leaned on the couch next to me "What still mad?" "Ya! I am! But thanks for getting them anyway now go away." Jisoo walked over her and stood above me "Now, now min is that any way to treat your guests." "I said leave the doors that way." I said stood up pointing at the door. "Actually Min we offered them it stay in the guest rooms." Lily said nervously "Oh, well don't bother me then." I said storming to my room. I slammed the door closed.

That night I couldn't sleep I don't know why but it was hard to. I tossed and turned till I gave up. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I stood there thinking about what to do next for my two roommates. To be completely honest I want to send them away on a nice vacation for a while. A sound brought me out of my thoughts. I put the glass down and grabbed my baseball bat I had left in the kitchen. I found the noise, several people entered through the front door 'At least they didn't break any windows' I thought to myself. I went to the livingroom to get the better advantage but someone had beat me there already.

They threw the first punch and I dodged it. I somehow managed to knock them out with one hit. I pulled up the mask to reveal one of my enemies bodyguards. "No!" I ran up stair to where Hwang and Lilys rooms where as soon as I opened the doors to there rooms there were gone 'Damn it' I ran back down the stairs to see them load five people into a van. "No, no, no." I switched to my gun that i had grabbed out of Lily's room and shot one of the tires. It came to a stop as people rushed out. Jenny came running out of the house with two guns and shot everyone as they came out "Oh now you join the fight." I said aggravated "Better late than never." she replied with smiling. We went to the van to get everyone out. As we approached it a felt something off about it. I looked inside to see two people. Jenny and I went inside the Van to help them out "Where's everyone else?" I asked only Lily and Hwang where in the van. Rose answered which scared me a little bit "We are here. Try not the breath in the air to much." "You couldn't have said something sooner?" I held my breath as I help the two out of the van and back inside. Jenny helped her team to the door but they were in much better condition. "Lisa I have a new task for all of you." they smiled "You got it boss!" 

After looking over Hwang and Lily I started to notice something odd, they were turning pale and they were sweating like a lot and it looked like black vanes started to appear. I look up the symptoms but nothing came up. I started panicking not only because I couldn't take them to the doctors but I didn't know how to save them. The only people or person who knows how to are my brothers but there probably mad at me, but I didn't want to risk it "Please, please, please don't be mad." I got everyone to the car and I became harder to breath.

Brothers POV

We were all watching a movie when the doorbell started ringing frantically, we all got up and went to the door. We did not expect the person on the other side.

Min stood there holding the wall "T-The c-car" she coughed and her eyes began to close "P-please" she started to fall but Jungkook caught her in his arm "Hyunjin and Jimin go check the car. Bring Min inside." Soobin ordered. After a few minutes they re-appeared with Lily and Hwang in almost the same state as Min. "What happened?" Jin asked "We would like to the same thing." Bangchan said. Jin started examining them "It looks like they inhaled deadly toxin. What toxin though?" Yoongi asked  "I don't know but I have something that might work." Jin disappeared and came back with a small bottle that was filled with a clear liquid. "Here." he took out three needles and filled two of them with the clear liquid. He went over to Min but before her could do anything she grabbed his hand "No... do them first." "No Min let me do this for you." she shook her head as no. She somehow managed to stand up and out the tow needles in her friends and and watched as they slowly got better "There...s-see that's all y-you had to do." she sat back in the chair she was in. She passed out as the other two woke up.


"Sir, they killed all the men we sent. But the toxin worked." a guard stood in a dark room. "Well then looks like we have a new weapon. I'm going out later cancel all my plans." "Yes sir." the man in all black stood up "Oh man I can't wait to see the women you have grown into." he looked at a picture of little Min and crumpled it up and threw it on the floor "See you soon".


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did leave a like and follow! As always see you in the next chapter! 💜❤️💙

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