Chapter 52 - Alive

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I have a weird de ja vu as I wake up. It doesn't take me long to realise that I am in the hospital again. I look around and realise I am back in the hospital wing of the castle. I notice that Harry is similarly in one of the hospital beds like myself. I look down again and find Pinky in the same place that she was the last time I was in the hospital.

"Pinky," I say trying to wake her gently.

Thankfully she wakes up immediately so I don't have to try too hard.

"Hey Sky," Pinky says as she wakes up.
"What happened?" I ask.
"They found you with Harry, you were both passed out," she explains and the time in the underground chambers comes back to me.
"Are the others okay?" I ask.
"Ron was in here for a short while but he wasn't too badly damaged, Hermione was absolutely fine, and Harry is still here like you are," she tells me.

Pinky and I notice Professor Dumbledore enter the hospital wing and walk over to Harry. Dumbledore discusses firstly Harry's admires and how seen as what happened in the chambers was a secret and so naturally the whole school knew. Both me and pinky laughed when he said that knowing that it is probably true. Dumbledore then moves onto explaining to Harry what happened to Quirrel in the chamber and how Harry's mum's sacrifice is what protected him. Finally but the most heart-breaking of all Dumbledore tells Harry how the stone has been destroyed and that Flammel will eventually die without the stone. At that point I start to feel disappointed in myself. I t was my plan to meet late, had we gone earlier, Quirrel would have never to the mirror and the decision would never have been made to destroy it. When Dumbledore finishes talking to Harry I expect him to come over to me and discuss my efforts in the chambers but I don't even receive a glance from him. I'm disappointed that I receive no credit but I'm not too heart broken I didn't do it for the recognition but it would have been nice seen as Harry got a special visit. I spend a bit of time talking to Pinky before she has to go, I go back to sleep not feeling quite ready to leave yet. At this moment I'm just glad to be alive.

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