Chapter 11 - History

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Unfortunately today is a Monday which means after breakfast we had to head to our first class of the day (I've just been uprooted from my life I'd like a bit longer to settle in). Timetables weren't personalised everyone in the same house and year had the timetable for lessons, when McGonagall said our house would become our family she really meant it, we're going to be spending every waking moment together and in the case of dorm mates, every sleeping moment too.

On receiving out timetables, the majority of first years moaned realising our first ever lesson was History of Magic, I didn't understand myself what was so dreadful, I liked history in primary school, maybe they didn't. Actually I'm wrong, History wasn't it's own subject but a bizarre combination of physics, chemistry, biology history and geography (how they managed to pretend that was logical I really don't know).

When we eventually went to history I found out our class was with hufflepuff, the rest of my house wasn't as intrigued as I was. There was five spaces left when we got there nob of my fellow house mates wanted to sit next to the Hufflepuff girl next to the row of five so I offered to take that place, Draco followed after me, pansy pushed past the other two to sit next to him and then there was Daphne and Millicent respectively.

"You're Skyla right?" The girl next to me asks.
"I am, you're Hannah aren't you?" She smiles nodding her head.
"Do you know many people here?" "Not really," I tell her "just these four and two Gryffindors that I was sat with on the train."
"Oh," she looks confused, "one of the seventh years in my house said she knew you"
"I don't know how she would."
"Her name is something with an N but I've only heard people call her Tonks."
"Pinky is here?" I asked surprised the lass just looked confused, "Pinky is a nickname I gave her as a kid cause her hair was pink one day, I'm very creative, she's my cousin I had no idea she was here, though u suppose if both my parents were here it's not far fetched for my cousin to be."
"You really didn't know did you?"
"No I was kept in the dark about everything, my dad was told when I was born I would be a squib, I guess the doctors were wrong."
"The professor is here we better stop talking," Hannah instructs.

I nod my head in agreement and turn to face the teacher. He made his way to the front of the class and introduced himself as Professor Binns, a portion of the class moaned (they were probably made aware of him by their parents). I on the other hand was extremely excited, all of this was new to me, I want to learn everything I possibly can.

The two hours passed till the end of the double lesson, and IVe decided that I really don't want to learn everything anymore, two hours of Professor Binns' monotonous voice was more than enough for me. The lesson consisted of... well I'm not sure actually I zoned out pretty quick, I may have even fallen asleep at one point, cause I do remember jolting awake when a half asleep Draco said my name.

"W-what?" I jolted
"I thought you might have fallen asleep, you stopped taking notes too."
"Oh no," I panic, "what am I going to do?"
"Don't worry you can copy mine," he offers.
"Can I copy your notes too please Draco?" Pansy asks.
"You should have made your own."
"But you're letting Sky use them."
"She's not a pure blood who should know better." He snarls
"Thanks," I mumble annoyed at the insult.
"You're welcome," he smirks, he definitely heard me.
"Draco don't be mean to Pansy," I tell him.
"Fine you can copy my notes just this time," he tells her.

She smiles like an absolute dope. I'm wishing for the lesson to be over.

Skyla: The Girl Who Knew Too Much (Year 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu