Chapter 42 - Hagrid

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Harry, Ron, Hermione and I head out of the castle and into the grounds and we start walking over the grass. Hermione is talking about the exams again. I think she's a little obsessed. Harry starts clutching his scar he is obviously finding it painful.

"Harry you should really go to Madam Pomfrey," I tell him concerned.
"I don't think they can help, plus its happened before," Harry says.
"But not like this," Hermione points out.
"You're clearly in more pain," I point out.
"I'm fine," he tells us and we drop it.

After walking for a short while we notice Hagrid sitting on the doorstep of his house. We make our way over to him and we find out that Norbert was taken away, we try to comfort him as he tells us his fears for Norbert and the bullying he may experience, I feel sorry for Hagrid, he was taking such good care of the baby dragon and he obviously loves the thing. Eventually Hagrid moved onto telling us how he came across the salesman who gave him the egg, Hagrid told us how he had discussed with the man what Fluffy's weakness was. At that moment Harry came to a conclusion, he started talking about how he believes that Snape was the cloaked figure and he was to get information in order to get to the philosopher's stone. Suddenly Harry ran off, he must have had an idea, I apologise to Hagrid for rushing off so quickly and then Hermione, Ron and I followed after.

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