Chapter 28 - Letters

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To Dad,
I had a conversation with Draco that made me think,
What are you wanting to do for Christmas?
I can come home or stay here,
I'm going to let you choose,
Speak soon,
Love you,

Hey Pup,
I think it's best you stay at school this year,
There is a full moon on the 21st so my boss wants us to go on a business trip and from the sounds of it it's going to be a long one,
I'm not going to be home for Christmas,
I'm really sorry pup,
I wish this wasn't the case,
I'll see you soon hopefully,
I love you,

I read the letter my dad sent back and I can't lie I was disappointed by his response. This will be the first ever Christmas we've spent apart and honestly I'm not happy about it. As great as my friends are I really wanted to see my dad.

I already know it's going to be a lonely Christmas, Draco is going home, my dorm mates aren't really all that great in the friend department, I think I don't know but they look down on me for not being a pure blood, I'm not sure id I am or aren't. Harry, Ron and Hermione are all in a different house so even if they are staying I won't get to see them much.

Either way, this is going to be a very lonely Christmas.

Skyla: The Girl Who Knew Too Much (Year 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن