Chapter 48 - Chess

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"I've just thought of something," Harry says.
"What?" Ron asks.
"Another thing to add to the list of why Sky is an enigma," he says.
"Is this really the time Harry?" I ask.
"This seems like a pretty long corridor so I don't see why not," he says.
"Okay go on then," I say.
"Your hair thingy," Harry says.
"You mean how my hair changed colour? That hasn't happened in ages either," I say writing it off.
"It only happened when you were having a heightened emotion, it went red when you were really angry, and by that I mean scarily angry," he says.
"That's true," I concede, "plus I thought we agreed I was one of those metamorphagus thingys."
"I'm sorry what?"Ron and Hermione ask.
"A metamorphagus," I repeat.
"No we know what you said Sky but those are extremely rare," Ron says, "when did you two discuss this?"
"That time Harry stopped me before breakfast."

I start to feel more and more uncomfortable wishing the others hadn't brought all these things up. I honestly thought everything about was normal (for a witch at least) but now I'm starting to feel like the freak of the freaks.

"Oh look at that were at the next room guess we're going to have to stop talking about this now," I say hoping they'll get the hint.

When we make it in the room I immediately realise what it is.

"It's a massive chess board," Ron says, excited for the first time.
"Guess this is going to be down to you," I say to Ron, he pulls a face at me, "I know you threw the chess match at Christmas and I saw you thrash Harry, you're going to be the one to get us through thus Ron."

Ron smiles at me knowing I faith in him.
"So what's the plan?" Hermione asks.
"Rules first," he says, "considering how this is laid out we are going to have to play our way across so that means no stepping on tiles without my say so because the board will take it as out move."

After that we played the game as Ron instructed till we got close to check mate.

"Wait a minute," Harry says.
"You understand right Harry," Ron replies, "once I make my move, the queen will take me, then you're free to check the king."
"No, Ron NO!" Harry shouts.
"What is it?" Hermione asks.
"He's going to sacrifice himself," Harry explains.
"No you can't, there must be another way" Hermione shouts at him.
"Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not?" He retorts.
"Harry its you that has to go on, you know it, not me, not Hermione, not Sky, YOU."

After that Ron makes his move and the queen takes him. He screams as he falls from the knight piece he was riding and falls to the ground. It's obvious that he is badly injured. Hermione moves as if she's going to run towards him.

"Don't move," Harry shouts.
"We need to finish the game first or his sacrifice was for nothing," I say.

Hermione proceeds to take her original position. Harry steps into the space that he and Ron had figured out to move to, after participating in this game it was clear how drastically they had thrown the tournament at Christmas.

"CHECK MATE!" Harry declares and the kings sword falls to the ground.

We knew we had won the game and we all rushed over to Ron to check he was okay. Thankfully he was still breathing I imagine he only had a concussion but if there was anything worse I'm sure Madam Pomfrey would fix him right up.

"We need to take him back," Hermione says.
"Not until we have the stone," I tell her.

She looks even more worried.

"Hermione, Ron knew the sacrifice he was making and he did it so we could get the stone, Ron wanted us to carry on, we will need you help," I tell her.
"Fine," Hermione concedes.

We all scramble over the rubble left behind by the shattered game pieces, I do fear for Ron but I know this is what he wanted, hopefully we will find a way to make it out safely further ahead.

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