"This is a terrible idea,"

"I've tried," Grey says to Tim.

"Rosalind is behind bars," Mirana says. "And I have no problem punching her through the bars"

"You really shouldn't-"

"Timothy, are you trying to tell me I cannot do something as simple as speak to a psychopath because I'm pregnant?"

"Okay, full name-"

"Bradford, don't. She will cut you,"

"He's right,"


Tim keeps a hand on Mirana's back as they walk through the prison, following the guard to the room where Rosalind is waiting for them in a cage.

"You can still go back," Tim says.

"She won't talk to you," Mirana shakes her head. "Loco people tend to work that way"

"She's in there,"

"We have a few questions to ask you. Shouldn't take long," Tim says when he walks into the room.

"Mm. This is about John, isn't it?" Rosalind asks, staring at Mirana who shifts uncomfortably.

"We know you talked to him about Armstrong yesterday. Can you describe the content of that conversation?"

Rosalind ignores Tim as she addresses Mirana. "You know, I am so impressed with you. The way you handled what was obviously a very traumatic experience -- it's inspiring"

"I have a psychopath's approval, marvellous," Mirana rolls her eyes.

"Rrow. So defiant. Just like you were when the lid came down on that barrel. You know, it must have driven Caleb crazy -- denying him the fear he so desperately wanted to see in you. Especially after you managed to let the other girl escape and then poor James died, he was the smarter of the two"

"How --"

"Do I know that?" Rosalind chuckles softly. "You think the camera in the barrel was for Caleb?"

"Oh my god," Mirana whispers.

"Don't listen to her, Mira," Tim says. "She's just playing mind games. She knows she has no power"

"Oh, I am totally playing mind games. But I'm not lying," Rosalind begins to sing a familiar song that has Mirana on the verge of vomiting. "Bury me beneath the willow, under the weeping willow tree. So he will know where I am sleeping, and perhaps he'll weep for me"

Mirana swallows as Tim glares at Rosalind, moving so he's standing in front of Mirana, shielding her from the monster in the cage.

"Knock it off," Tim snaps.

"Ah. The fierce protector," Rosalind hums. "Is that your baby in her womb, Officer?"

"We're done here," Tim says before leaning down to talk to Mirana. "Let's go. We'll have I.A. follow up,"

Mirana nods, allowing Tim to begin to lead her from the room. But Rosalind's voice causes them to stop in their tracks

"Armstrong's lasted this long because his contingency plans have contingencies. Whatever you've already found, there's more,"

"He's got a go bag," Mirana says and Tim nods, lifting his phone to his ear.

"Lopez, I got something for you to chase down," Tim says and Mirana winces.

"Uh Tim," Mirana pats his arm and he hums in response. "My water just broke,"

Tim looks down to see a puddle of water forming around Mirana's feet and his eyes widen in shock.

"Okay, Angela, tell Grey we're going to the hospital," Tim says into the phone.

"I'm not giving birth in a prison," Mirana says. "So get walking Timothy"

"Trust me, I have no intention of letting that happen," Tim reassures her, glancing over at Mirana with concern. "Just hang in there. We'll get you to the hospital in time."

"Need me to grab the hospital bag?"

"Get Chen to bring it over, she has a key, I need you to find this go bag,"

"Tim, hang up the fucking phone and get me out of here!" Mirana snaps.

"Bye Lopez," Tim says before sticking his phone in his pocket and wrapping his arm around Mirana's waist.

"Is everything alright?" The guard asks them.

"Sorry about your floor," Mirana says with a wave.

Tim is quick to collect their weapons from the front office before helping Mirana into the car. He all but sprints to the driver's side as Mirana groans loudly.

"Deep breaths," Tim says.

"Fuck your deep breaths, I need the drugs," Mirana groans. "We're calling him Lucifer"

"We're sticking with Isaac," Tim says as he turns the lights and sirens on.

"Can you do that?"

"I suppose I'll find out later on," Tim says, peeling out of the parking lot.

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