Glass flies everywhere as the car spins out of control, skidding down the road. A dull pain registers in Mirana's body as her head bounces off of the window pane before she slumps forward, her eyes closing.


Tim's eyes open and he takes in the damage around him. His eyes move to Mirana who is still slowly coming to.

"Mira, are you okay?"

"I think so," Mirana nods, straightening herself up and brushing some of the glass out of her hair.

"Your head's bleeding," Tim says and Mirana's hand touches the spot.

"It's only a bit of blood," She says.

Mirana pushes the car door open, climbing out on shaky legs. Tim grabs his radio and lifts it to his mouth.

"Harper, Bradford,"

"Go for Harper. Was Ripper in the SUV?"

"Unknown, we got ambushed by a second vehicle. Brown pickup truck, both vehicles got away,"


Mirana walks into the locker room, rubbing her temples in an attempt to ease her pounding headache. A wave of dizziness washes over her, causing her to slump against the door frame as spots fill her vision.

She closes her eyes before taking a deep breath, pushing herself off of the door frame. Mirana takes a step but her legs crumple like a marionette whose strings have been snipped. She registers the pain of her body hitting her floor before it all turns black.

Lucy frowns when she spots a pair of feet sticking out of the women's locker room.

"Are you okay?" She calls to the person, walking forward.

She quickens her pace, her frown deepening into a look of worry. She kneels beside the figure and her hand flies to her mouth as she grabs her radio.

"This is Officer Lucy Chen," She says, her voice shaking as she speaks. "I need an RA unit to the Mid-Wilshire Police Station, 27-year-old pregnant female, found unconscious in the locker room. Breathing but unresponsive. It's Officer Mirana Cabrera"

"Copy, Officer Chen. RA unit en route to Mid-Wilshire Police Station. Estimated arrival time, five minutes. Please keep us updated on the victim's condition."

Pounding footsteps fill Lucy's ears as Tim, Jackson and Grey turn the corner. Tim is ghostly pale as he kneels next to Mirana's unconscious figure, brushing her hair back from her face.

"I just found her here," Lucy says. "There's no sign of vaginal bleeding so I think the baby's fine. Her pulse is steady, she's breathing fine"

"RA's are here," Nyla says, entering the locker room with the paramedics in tow.

The paramedics swiftly take charge as they assess Mirana's condition. Nyla and Lucy step back, allowing the professionals to work. Tim watches with a mixture of concern and relief, his hand holding Mirana's.

"A car crashed into us earlier," Tim says to the paramedics. "We were cleared from the ER"

"Sometimes, a concussion or an internal bleed can take longer to present itself," The paramedic says. "We're going to give her some oxygen on the way to the hospital. The on-call OBGYN is on standby to meet us when we arrive. Is anyone joining us in the ambulance?"

"Bradford will be going," Grey says.

"Chen, here's the back door key to my place," Tim hands her a key as the paramedics load Mirana onto a gurney. "Can you feed Kojo and take him for a walk if that's not too much trouble?"

"Yeah," Lucy nods, taking the key. "Keep us posted"

"Of course," Tim nods.


Mirana's eyes flutter open, squinting at the harsh fluorescent lights in the room. She reaches up to feel her face, pulling the cannula out of her nose as she pushes herself to a sitting position.

"You're awake," Tim smiles at her as he walks into the hospital room, a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hey," she manages, her voice a little groggy. "Que paso? Last thing I remember is the locker room..."

Tim sets the cup of coffee on the bedside table before taking a seat next to her. "You collapsed in the locker room, Chen found you. The paramedics brought you here. Doctor Sawyer is running some tests to figure out what's going on."

"Is he okay?" Mirana asks, placing her hand on her stomach.

"He's fine, strong heartbeat, no damage to the placenta," Tim says and Mirana nods.

"What do they think happened?" Mirana asks.

"They ruled out a head injury," Tim says. "We're waiting for your bloods now"

"Okay," Mirana nods, grabbing the coffee Tim had put on the bedside table before taking a sip.

As soon as the taste of the unsweetened liquid registers, Mirana gags before placing the cup back down as Tim chuckles.

"I don't understand how you drink coffee like that," Mirana says, her face contorted.

Tim grins, amused by Mirana's reaction. "Well, some of us like our coffee strong and unsweetened. It's an acquired taste."

Mirana shakes her head, a playful glint in her eyes despite the situation. "I'll never understand it. I need mine with lots of sugar and cream."

"I know, I know," Tim teases. "You've got a sweet tooth. But this coffee is mine"

"Good to see you're awake," Doctor Sawyer says, walking into the room. "I've got your blood results. There's a few minor issues but nothing that's concerning to me"

"Okay, what is it?" Mirana asks.

"Your blood sugar is very low," Doctor Sawyer says to Mirana. "Low blood sugar can be combated with fruit juice or some glucose tablets. Anything high in sugar really"

"So, she'll be okay?" Tim asks. "And the baby?"

"Yes," Doctor Sawyer nods. "I'm going to file a prescription for some glucose tablets, then I'll get your discharge paperwork ready"

"Thank you," Mirana smiles at the woman who smiles before leaving.

"We're stocking our house with snacks," Tim says, rubbing his thumb over her hand. "The cupboards are going to be overflowing"

"That sounds like a plan," Mirana replies. "I'm up for any sweet snacks you want to throw my way"

"Sweet snacks it is, then. Consider our house the ultimate source of pregnancy cravings satisfaction."

A nurse enters the room with the discharge paperwork and a bag containing Mirana's prescription. The nurse takes the cannula out of Mirana's hand and Mirana quickly signs the paperwork, taking the prescription before leaving the hospital room.

Tim reads the leaflets for the tablets as they walk into the parking lot. His eyes scan the side effects and the instructions before tucking the leaflets back into the bag.

"You take these if you feel the symptoms of low blood sugar starting to happen,"

"Nurse Bradford clocked on shift?" Mirana asks.

"Damn straight and Officer Cabrera is now on maternity leave,"

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