Baby Blanket (Finn/Quicketh)

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Puck took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he walked towards his teacher and his friends in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Puck, how is she?"

"Good." Puck nodded. "Quinn did really good."

"What about the baby?" Mercedes asked.

"Ten fingers, ten toes." Puck said with a smile. "She's gonna go to the nursery soon, but she's good. We can take her home tomorrow."

Mr. Schue smiled and squeezed Puck's shoulder.

"Can I see her?" Finn requested. "Quinn, I mean."

"Let me ask her if she's up for visitors." Puck nodded. "You can come back and wait in the hall."

The boys began walking back to Quinn's room. Puck was still in the hospital scrubs, and Finn was still in his Regionals outfit and had brought his backpack with him.

"Finn." Puck said. "I..."

"Yeah." Finn muttered.

Puck nodded, biting his lip as he paused outside of the door. He knocked lightly and peeked his head in. "Can Finn come in?"

Quinn nodded back, and Puck led Finn inside.

Puck walked over to Quinn, standing beside the bed and eyeing his daughter while Finn lingered closer to the door.

"So you guys are keeping her?" Finn blurted.

"Yeah." Quinn answered, looking at Puck. "Yeah, we are."

Finn nodded. "And you're okay?"

"I'm okay." Quinn smiled slightly as she turned to Finn. "Exhausted, but okay."

Finn smiled back.

"Come meet her." Puck encouraged Finn.

Finn's smile faded as he nervously walked closer. He looked at the tiny blonde wrapped in pink in Quinn's arms. "Hi, Beth. I'm Finn."

"Noah and I were hoping you would be her godfather." Quinn noted.

"Yeah." Finn decided. He started digging through his backpack. "I brought her something."

"We were just at Regionals." Puck reminded Finn. "When did you get your backpack?"

"I've been carrying it around just in case." Finn answered, pulling something out of his bag.

"Your baby blanket." Quinn noted.

"I know I took it back when I found out I wasn't her dad, but..." Finn shrugged. "I want her to have it."

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah." Finn nodded.

"Thank you." Quinn said softly.

Finn nodded again and looked at Puck and Quinn with Beth. "Congrats, guys."

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