Proving it (Quicketh)

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"Hey." Quinn repeated.

"You never called me." Puck noted. "Did you ever hear about those tests?"

"Not yet." Quinn shook her head.

"Finn said you haven't been sleeping." Puck added. "So I got you a little something."

"If it's drugs, I'm not taking them." Quinn told Puck.

"It's not." Puck promised. "It's this pillow for pregnant chicks. It's pretty comfy."

"You used it?" Quinn asked.

"I had to test it out." Puck said. "It's cool. It'll take some of the pressure off your belly and your back and help you sleep."

"Really?" Quinn wondered.

"It's in my car." Puck nodded. "I can give it to you after glee club or drop it off tonight, if you want."

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"What?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"Why are you doing this?" Quinn asked.

"Doing what?" Puck replied.

"This." Quinn repeated. "Helping me, being nice."

"Because." Puck said. "I meant everything I said about wanting to be involved. I'm just trying to prove it to you."

"That's really sweet." Quinn told Puck. "And I appreciate it, but I already told you, this isn't what you want."

"I do." Puck insisted. "I told you I'm gonna be a good dad. Just let me."

"You also told me you're not gonna stop being you." Quinn reminded Puck. "I wanna do this with someone who's gonna be good to her. And to me."

"I will be." Puck swore.

"Noah." Quinn sighed.

"Tell me what else you want me to do to prove it to you." Puck requested.

"Finn and I are doing this." Quinn stated. "Okay, you can be her uncle or whatever, but I know you and you're not father material."

"And what if I tell Finn the truth?" Puck blurted.

"You wouldn't." Quinn shook her head. "He's your best friend and he'll be just as mad at you as he'll be at me."

"I don't care." Puck said. "I care about her."

"Are you still sleeping around?" Quinn wondered.

Puck didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought." Quinn replied. "Keep the pillow. I don't want it."

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