Hook Ups (NDs)

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"Who's the most disgusting person you've ever hooked up with?" Brittany asked with a laugh as she sipped her drink.

"Puck." Santana answered, and she and Brittany started giggling.

"Hey!" Puck pouted.

"Puck's is Shelby." Quinn noted.

"No, he's slept with way worse women than Shelby." Finn responded.

"Yeah, I slept with you." Puck smirked at Quinn.

Quinn rolled her eyes.

"You shouldn't be talking anyway, Quinn." Rachel said. "Remember senior year when you were dating that forty-year-old skateboarder?"

"What?!" Kurt asked.

"That was a phase." Quinn muttered.

"No, it wasn't." Puck stated. "You pick 'em up used and wrinkly from the old folks' home."

"What?" Mercedes wondered.

"She dated her Yale professor." Puck clarified. "They broke up 'cause he couldn't get it up."

"Ugh, gross!" Sam exclaimed.

"That's not true." Quinn insisted. "But speaking of not getting it up, Noah, would you like to tell everyone what happened at Mike and Tina's wedding?"

Puck looked at Quinn, hurt but trying to mask it. "That wasn't me, that was you."

"Or too much alcohol." Mike snickered.

"The worst person I ever hooked up with was that girl that gave me chlamydia." Artie chimed in.

"Dude." Sam shook his head.

"Me, too." Finn agreed, and everyone looked at him. "What? Other than that, college has been fun."

Rachel rolled her eyes.

"What about you, Rach? Who was worse: Jesse or Brody?" Finn teased.

"Well, Jesse only fake-liked her so that Shelby could get close to her, and Brody wanted to change everything about her." Kurt said.

"How's that lighthouse treating you, Blaine?" Santana grinned.

"That was my worst hookup for sure." Blaine nodded as he sipped his drink. "He wasn't bad and it wasn't bad, but..."

Blaine trailed off as Kurt glared at him.

"Mike? Tina?"

"They've only been with each other." Santana stated. "Britt-Britt, you didn't answer your own question."

"What was my question?" Brittany asked.

"Who's the most disgusting person you've ever hooked up with?" Santana wondered.

"Anyone other than you." Brittany smiled. "Sam, Puck, Finn."

"Uh, we never..." Finn said, but Brittany continued listing people.

"Good, she didn't say me." Artie smiled happily.

"We hooked up?" Brittany questioned Artie.

Artie nodded. "When we were dating."

"We dated?" Brittany furrowed her eyebrow.

"Guess it was a forgettable performance." Puck commented, and Sam and Finn laughed while Artie frowned.

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