Holidays (Quick)

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I hate that you're not here every day, but I hate it the most during the holidays.

everyone's doing all the mushy romantic stuff and I'm just invited to take their pictures

long-distance sucks but military long-distance sucks even more

but I love you

Quinn sighed as she looked at the texts. She knew it would be hours (or days) until she heard back from Puck. She loved him and she loved being with him, but she hated worrying and missing him and not knowing if he was safe.

Quinn put her phone down and got out of bed. She opened the curtains in her apartment and took a shower before getting dressed.

Quinn put on Christmas music and began decorating the tree. She sang along and danced around the living room.

Christmas was one of the things that made Quinn the happiest, even on her own.

Quinn took a break from decorating and picked up her phone. She furrowed her eyebrow, surprised to have gotten a text back from Puck already.

I love you

Quinn sighed as she put her phone down again. She turned the music up to distract herself, but she was soon interrupted by a knock on the door.

Quinn dragged herself to the door and opened it. Her eyes widened when she saw Puck, and she immediately jumped on him, tackling him with a hug.

Puck laughed lightly as he wrapped his arms around Quinn, carrying her inside.

"What are you doing here?!" Quinn exclaimed as she got off of Puck.

"Your text said you hate not having me around for the holidays." Puck pointed out.

"I can't believe you're here." Quinn grinned as she kissed Puck. "How long are you here for?"

"A few weeks." Puck answered. "Merry Christmas, Q."

"Happy Hanukkah, Noah."

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