★ 38 | Games ★

Start from the beginning

...shit, I press the sole of my shoe against the ground and wipe my mouth.

Wake up Craig.

"This is it?" Kenny clutches onto his bag and we approach the building. The closer we get, the more we get the feeling of someone watching over us, creeping over us. But we know this isn't true, it's our mind playing tricks on us. It's your body scaring you, tempting you.

Luring you into that persecution.
To a false sense of paranoia.

"Seems like it" Tweek walks over the snow and carefully makes his way over to the door. He looks nervous, I can tell. I can tell from the hair that stands on his back, from his hands that can't stop touching his shoulders. His face.

"It'll be okay, remember?" I smile, and grab on tightly to his hand. "Yeah, it'll be okay" he grabs on tighter to my hand. My heart drives itself a little closer to the warmer side, but I bite at the feeling and scrunch my shoulders.

I can't be thinking about that.
Not now, not right now.

but god, when he gives me those eyes.
I just want to kiss him and hug him.
Forget this had ever happened.

I wish Moriah's incident had never happened, I wished that Tweek had never been possessed. I wish...that things hadn't turned out to be so different.


"Foom" the doors open wide and we walk inside. Ahead of us are rows of chairs, clawed at, pushed at. So beautiful, but etched with a bloody background. Murder, death and destruction. And beyond us, lays a flat platform with no chairs, just a book. One book, laying down on the ground.

Moriah's book.

"It's a little too quiet" Kenny adds and I nod to his judgement. Everything seems...too simple. Too simple to be true.

"Who cares geek, do your stuff!" Cartman chimes, and I want to tell him to stay quiet. But who's gonna hear us, who's gonna do anything about it?

"Fellas, is this okay? To be here?" Butters adds to the argument and Kenny nods, "as long as nobody figures out that we're here, it's fine, it's been abandoned anyways" he smiles and Butters helps him grab away at his stuff. Carefully pulling out candles and whatever pieces of materials that he needs. We're instructed to not touch the book, but Cartman goes ahead and touches it.

My breath hitches, waiting for something to strike us from above. But nothing strikes, nothing speaks nor wails. It's fine.

"Fella, drop the book you maniac!" Butters cries out and Cartman drops it, suddenly coughing into his arm. "Jesus, I think the dust is doing something to me," he begins to cough and walks closer to Kenny, whos by the entrance.

Then Tweek starts coughing, and coughing hard.

"Hey, you okay?" I grab onto Tweeks shoulders, we're closer to the flat platform then where Kenny, Butters and Cartman are. When Tweek doesn't answer me, I shrug him again and he nods. But he coughs louder, "Kenny, do you have water!?" I yell and Kenny gives me a nod, he pulls out a water bottle from his backpack.

"Tweek, what's going on? Do you need to get out of here? Is it the dust?" I frown and look over at Kenny, I'm going to make my way over to him but he grabs on tighter to my arms and I look back at him.

"Tweek, Kenny has some water I'll go-"

"Wait-urg" he coughs again and it hits me.

He's coughing up blood, my hands go up to his face and he drops to his knees. "Tweek!?" I kneel down and yell at Kenny to hurry, I don't know why he's bleeding. Fuck fuck, what's going on, is this too much? The dust? What's going on?

"You're bleeding!?"

"What" he bites at his lip and coughs again, this time more drastically. He whips his hands to his mouth and covers his cough, but when he removes his hands from his face he looks down at his palms and gazes at the blood. Oozing out of his mouth, splattering over his hands like a murky blood scene.

"I'm, coughing, I'm coughing up blood-Craig what do I-" Tweeks breath hitches and his eyes shoot wide open.

Now I'm desperate, I'm desperate to get him out of here. But something pulls down on me, my body, my knees.

I can't move.

I look around, but Cartmans on the floor, blood on his mouth. He looks lifeless, but he's not dead. Kenny kneels down to the ground and checks his pulse. He doesn't move either.

Then Butters falls to the ground.

This isn't right.
Something fucked up is going on.

"I can't move Craig" Kenny coughs and looks back at Butters. Butters doesn't move either, he doesn't say anything but lies there lifeless. As if our souls were being sucked out of our bodies. But I don't bleed, I don't spit out blood the same way Cartman and Tweek do, but neither does Butters or Kenny.

I can't get myself to pull my body up, but I grab onto Tweeks shoulders and pull him closer to my chest. I hug him, I hug him tightly, pulling him back to wipe his bloody lips with my hoodie.

"Craig-Craig" Tweek cries out and I smooth my hand over his hair, "I'm here Tweek, I'm here, it's going to be okay" I coo, but I know that the worst to come is undeniably here.

Because he's already made his way here.
He's been waiting.
And he's made it clear to me.

That he's here.

"Moriah" my words go silent, and Tweek collapses into my arms. My surroundings turn into a foggy black blur and a pair of sharp nails grip down against my shoulders. My body tenses up, and I don't dare breathe.

"I'm glad you made it to the show, Tucker" the voice murmurs behind my ear, and I feel the chills from his breath cascade over my neck.

"After all, you did this all for me, did you not?" The voice continued behind my head until it met the other end of my ear, his lips on my jaw, his voice playing games around my head. I clutch harder onto Tweek, and he notices this. "Ruining my plan, after plan, when the best you could do, was just to play along"

"I don't...play with the devil." I spoke harshly this time. Finally catching my breath, once I felt him walk away from me, his tail, curling around my shoulder. I don't know what he looks like, I'm too scared to look. To look at the face of the devil.

"Then you wish to pay?"

Pay for what. Is what I want to tell him, but he knows, he grabs onto my jaw and turns my head over to Tweek. He makes sure that I'm looking at Tweek. Keeping my eyes on his face, his lifeless face, drained emotion. Bloody lips.

He's torturing me.

"With your soul?" He plays along with his words, but I know what he means.

And he takes advantage of this.

"Say, one for two Craig" he lets go of my jaw and my gaze lowers. I hold on tightly onto Tweek. I look at him, his hair, his eyes, his lashes. I don't dare look up at the devil.

"I'll do it" my voice dares to hesitate the words, but I know what I need to do.

I don't want him to suffer.
I don't want him to die.


"I knew you'd play along Tucker, after all, you're just like your father."



Exorcise him! // Craig x Tweek // (Creek)Where stories live. Discover now