Chapter 9

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I drove as fast as I could to Ethan's apartment, my heart beating like crazy

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I drove as fast as I could to Ethan's apartment, my heart beating like crazy. He never sounded so needy and sad, and that makes me extremely worried, what if something bad happened to him? Maybe he got hurt, maybe something happened to his apartment. I couldn't shake the bad thoughts in my mind, this had to be the worst day of my life, and I just wanted it to be over and everyone to be okay. 

My mind was a whirlwind of chaos, during the elevator ride, and by the time I reached his apartment door, a palpable pressure bore down on my shoulders. I opened the door and went straight to his living room, my breath getting stuck in the back of my throat. He was sitting on the sofa, hands shielding his face, elbows resting on his knees, crying and sobbing lightly. My heart broke at the sight of him in these circumstances, and I couldn't figure out what happened.

"Ethan?" I asked in a low voice and he was startled, taken aback by my voice, as he looked at me and his eyes were bloodshot. "Baby, what happened? You're scaring me" I continued and went up to him. He pulled me in a tight hug, crying on my shoulder and hearing his heartbreaking sobs in my hair.

"Please tell me what happened, let me help you" I said and I was tenderly caressing his back with my hands, trying to calm him down a bit so he could explain what happened. Due to the state that he was in, I didn't even know if I could bear it, but I wanted to do everything in me to make him feel better. 

"M-my sister d-died, she o-overdosed" the moment Ethan uttered the gut-wrenching words, a profound and overwhelming wave of sorrow washed over me. 

I always knew that addiction runs through his family, but I never knew his sister was an addict too, he didn't like to talk about his family at all, but I heard him mention his sister a couple of times and I knew she was the only one he still talked to. It was as if the air in the room had thickened, and time momentarily froze in the face of such tragic news, I couldn't even imagine how it felt for him.

"I am so sorry, baby. Is there anything I could do for you?" I asked playing my fingers through his messy curls. He withdrew himself from my arms and looked deep into my eyes for a couple of seconds. His bright hazel eyes that I love were now darker, a mix of pain and grief were painted inside his irises. I hated to see him like this.

"You are the only thing I have left Natalia, I don't have anyone else left. My parents are some dirty addicts, they don't give a shit about me. My sister is gone, she was the only one that gave me hope that our fucked up family could get better" he said tearing up again and my heart was completely shattered for him. I was like I could feel his pain like it was my own, and it was suffocating. 

"I don't want to lose you too, baby, my heart couldn't take it anymore. I love you more than anything. Please, please, baby... Marry me" he said and I frowned confused. 

"I already said yes, Ethan" I told him and raised my hand to brush away the new tears that rolled down on his beautiful face. 

"I know, but marry me now, we don't need a big wedding, let's get married today. L-life is too short to wait any longer, w-we can make it w-work" he stumbled across some words and got up. He started to frantically go around the room, like trying to find something and a strong punch of guilt hit me. How am I supposed to talk to him about the events with my father when he was in this desperate condition?

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