Chapter 3

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One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four steps marched down the corridor, over and over to the same rhythm. She stood ready in the shadows, silently humming to the symphony in her mind. Her head swayed slightly side to side as she fell into time. Her fingers drummed lightly against her thigh as she let the beat take control. As the steps echoed away, she knew her cue was coming. It was her time to shine.

Though her strides were barely audible, they were magnificent in their grace. It was a truly masterful performance of stealth as she glided elegantly through the halls. Years of formation of these skills were finally being tested to their limit as she managed to dance her way into the heart of the manor undetected. With only the guidance of the melody of life, she could see far better than any sighted person.

The dial whirred as it spun. She pressed herself against the coolness of the metal, listening closely for that sweet harmony. Her body tingled with excitement once she heard it, the perfect chord, the pins gently clicking into place. Then with a soft screech, the steel of the vault parted and the door swung open.

Something unexpected drew her attention. The moment the door opened, it seemed to burst into the air. A smell, unlike any other, overpowered her senses. The wicked stench burned her lungs as though it were poison. She quickly covered her face with her hands and turned away as she gagged. It was a smell that she would never get used to, no matter how many times she dealt with it. It was the foul odor of decay.

Immediately, she knew she had to get out of there. Wherever death laid, trouble lingered. However, she was only able to take one step before she heard the cocking of a gun. Her hands slowly went up to show her surrender. "Don't shoot," she pleaded.

The figure said nothing, but she could feel it draw closer. The warmth of its breath fell across her face. A fragrant musk tickled her senses. It was a welcome distraction to the pungent smell lingering from the vault. This new scent was strangely alluring. It stirred a hunger within her. She longed to be enveloped in it, to breathe it in and let it consume her.

Hesitantly, she leaned forward into its embrace. However, her daze snapped as she was met with no resistance. Puzzled, she searched desperately for that enchanting aroma, but it was gone. The room suddenly turned cold again, as though the presence had evaporated. Without another thought, she dashed through the doorway and down the hall before it could come back to haunt her.

"Stop!" a voice bellowed behind her. In her haste, she had lost the rhythm. Those marching steps from before now charged towards her from the other end of the hall.

"Damn." She muttered. Quickly, she rounded the corner and dipped into the first room she could find. As she leaned back against the door, she held her breath, hoping they would pass. Alas, her hopes were dashed by the heaviness of their steps that lingered close by.

They were at a stalemate, each listening for the other to make a move. She could hear muffled voices on the other side of the door. One of the guards seemed to take off further down the hall. But suddenly, the doorknob twisted and turned a few times unsuccessfully. Keys jangled as the guard searched for the one that would seal her fate. It was only a matter of time before she would be captured.

A dull light shone through the darkness. It was cold, but familiar. Drawn to the window by the moon's ray, she felt for the latch. The wind poured in. It whispered to her, calling her out into the night. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. It wasn't as though she'd never climbed out a window this high before, but there was no knowing what lay below this one.

As the tension rose in her body with every rattle of the knob behind her, a voice reached out to her. Her love, her light, beckoned her forward.

"You just have to trust me," his words echoed in her mind.

Her body stilled as the world around her slowed. A wave of calm washed over her as she focused on nothing but the memory of those words. They cast away all the fear from her mind, giving her the strength to step upon the windowsill.

"Oh Jian..." she sighed.

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