Chapter 28

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Jasper stormed through the halls of the Ministry of Magic furiously, a few people took one look at her face and moved out of the way of the furious woman. She was a woman on a mission, the mission being her pressing charges against James Potter for daring to lay hands on her diamond.

He dared to harm her diamond, her creator, she would not allow him to get away with this. If it had not been for the healers giving her potions then her arm would be black and blue right now, she would make an example out of this sorry excuse for a man, and she would make sure that everyone else would be too scared to even think of harming her diamond ever again.

She walked up to the receptionist outside of Madam Bones's office, the girl took one look at Jaspers's face and squeaked.

"She's expecting you." The poor girl was clearly overwhelmed by the amount of anger on Jasper's face. Honestly, Jasper felt a bit bad for scaring so many people on her path to revenge but she would apologize to the people she scared at a later date. Right now she nodded at the girl behind the desk before storming into Madam Bones's office.

"Ah, Hello Ms. Gem, I've been expecting you sometime today or tomorrow." Madam Bones spoke as she glanced up from the paperwork she had been filling out.

"I want to press charges against James Potter for putting his hands on Ember Ravenclaw," Jasper hissed out from between her clenched teeth. She didn't want to be rude but she was just so angry at the moment that she couldn't help it, she would also apologize to Madam Bones later.

"I thought you might," Madam Bones said as she sat up straight and put her papers to the side, "Sirius Black came by to let us know what he saw and explain why he punched James Potter."

Jasper took out a copy of Ember's medical records and handed them to the monocle-wearing woman sitting behind the desk. While Madam Bones looked at the records showing the healing that had to be done on Ember, Jasper took a look around to try and calm herself.

The walls were like the rest of the ministry, the black and green bricks making the walls stand out like an eyesore. It made Jasper wonder how the magicals working here never got eyestrain or migraines when going about their work days.

The floors were made out of some darker colored wood, Jasper couldn't name it but it might have been a type of oak wood. The floor was covered in a black and yellow striped circular carpet that showed off the office's owner's house pride.

The logo for the DMLE hung on the wall behind Madam Bones's desk. The desk itself looked like it was made out of the same as the floor, some bookshelves matched the desk lined one of the walls, one was full of books while the other was full of binders, and each binder was stuffed full of parchment. Jasper would bet almost anything that those Binders were a distraction and didn't have anything important in them, most people would think the Binders were full of information on cases.

This meant that if someone broke into the office to try and steal the files for a case Madam Bones was working on, this would give people time to get to the office and catch the thief before they would find anything important.

Jasper looked at Madam Bones when she cleared her through, "What do you wish to be done, do you just want to press charges?"

Jasper stopped and thought about it before speaking, "I want to press charges but I also want to know if there's any way I can legally keep James Potter away from Ember?"

Madam Bones hummed before frowning, "Sadly we can't give her a restraining order against him unless you can prove that he's gone out of his way to hurt her in the past, he could order that he was stressed and didn't mean to hurt her, he could say that it was a one-time thing and he could promise to never do it again."

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