Chapter 21

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A few days had passed since Ember had sent out the letters for Pearl and Jasper. Things seemed to be normal and She was starting to get used to all the kids around her. She had also started studying in the Room of Requirements with Daphne and Tracy. Today was Saturday though and she had explained to her two friends that she needed to do some work regarding her ladyship during the weekends.

Luckily the two girls understood, they might not be ladies themselves currently but one day they would be; Daphne would be Lady Greengrass of the Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass while Tracy would be Lady Davis of the Noble House of Davis.

Tracy's family wasn't as old as Ember's or even Daphne's so she didn't have the ancient title yet. Daphne's family wasn't even as old as Ember's so they didn't have the title of 'Most Noble and Most Ancient' like she did. She never used it but she knew it was there and what it meant.

She went to the R.O.R. and asked for a room that she could use for paperwork but also had a place she could use for training her magic and gem powers later after she was finished. The room that she got was beautiful, it was split into two different rooms with a door separating them.

The office had plush brown carpet with nice pale green walls with white trimming on the tops and bottoms. There were several dark oak bookcases all around filled with different books. The room had a simple brick fireplace with a fire already burning away inside, keeping the room a nice warm temperature. There were a few white couches in one corner with a side table at the edge. A candle was set on the side table, it had a golden candle holder with a few intricate designs on it.

In the middle of the room, there was a big dark oak desk that looked polished and newly made. It had a place for her to set her quill after she finished writing. There was a big comfortable chair pushed up against the desk, the chair was a nice dark green with Dark oak leggings, bottom and back to hold the cushions in place.

She glanced at the dark oak door that led to the training area and wondered what that would like look before deciding to check it out later. She wanted to get her work done before getting sidetracked.

Sitting down in the chair she was surprised at how comfortable it was, it was almost as comfortable as the chair she kept in the library back home. That chair was her favorite to curl up in with a good book. Ember lost track of how many times Pearl or Jasper had to come to wake her up because she fell asleep in that thing.

Ember spent the next few hours doing paperwork for her ladyships, shops, and assets. She made sure to read everything very carefully, you never knew what could be in the fine print.

She was startled when Tilly popped in with a letter from Grinlast. She didn't see the small elf much but she was always happy when she did; the elf had helped raise her when her parents were too busy with her precious brother. The only reason that Tilly was able to work for her now was that the Potters had been disowned and Tilly was transferred to Ember's employment. Taking the letter she thanked Tilly for bringing it to her before she opened it.

Dear Princess Ember,

I'm writing to inform you that James Potter, along with Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, and Molly Weasley tried setting up a marriage contract between you and one Mister Ronald Weasley. Luckily, because you are seen as an adult in the eyes of the law, and the fact that James Potter is not the Head of your house and had been disowned, the contract did not take.

If you are told you are to marry Mr. Weasley, please be aware that it is a lie: the contract they wrote is not legally binding. Luckily, they had not created a contract between Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter, your brother.

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now