Chapter 24

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A.N: Guys, You'll never believe what has happened, This story got reviewed on youtube. That's what the video above the story is. 

Finally, after a week of waiting it was finally time to go home. Ember wasn't taking the train home though, it said in the rules that if a child's parent or guardian came and picked them up then they did not have to ride the train back to London.

She made sure to tell Professor Flitwick ahead of time, this way she could not get in trouble. She alerted her head of house to her leaving with her Guardian, the only thing the rules said she had to do. She only had to alert her head of house, the rules said nothing about notifying the Deputy Headmistress or the Headmaster, and that was something the student's Head of house was in charge of.

Turning to her two friends she smiled at them. She never thought that she would ever have friends like this before. Ember knew that one day she would be going to Hogwarts and being around students her own age but she never really expected to make close friends. She expected to be friendly with people but keep them at arm's length, she was surprised when she became friends with Daphne and Tracy right away.

She told her friends goodbye before going to Professor Flitwick's office, she knocked before walking in when told to.

The tiny professor was looking at her curiously. "Miss. Ravenclaw may I have a moment?"

Ember didn't have anything important she had to do today so she sat down in one of the chairs in front of her Professor's desk. "Yes sir? Have I done something wrong?"

Professor Flitwick shook his head, "Not at all Miss. Ravenclaw, I just wanted to ask you something before you leave, that's all."

Well, Ember could understand curiosity. After all, if it wasn't for her curiosity to see if that recipe for creating Gem people worked, she never would have made Pearl and then later on Jasper. She might have made them later on, but she was glad she made them when she did. It kept her from getting too lonely and gave her a family other than her house elves.

Nodding she gestured for the Professor to ask what he wanted.

"I was curious, why did you wish to take the floo instead of the train?"

She should have expected this question, it honestly makes sense to ask something like this. "Well, sir, There's no place to hide on the train."

Here the tiny Professor looked confused, "Hide? Why would you need to hide?"

"Sir, Damien Potter, and Ronald Weasley keep trying to corner me and convince me to date Ronald. I'm scared of what they might do if they do manage to corner me." Ember spoke honestly.

"I had no idea they were trying to force you to date, Mr. Weasley," Flitwick said, shocked before his face turned stern. "I will have a word with Minerva about her lions, you can use my floo to leave now."

Ember stood up and walked to the floo, "Thank you, sir." She smiled at him before using the floo to leave.

As soon as she stepped out of the Floo she was picked up and spun around by Jasper making Ember laugh. "Jasper, put me down I'm going to be dizzy!"

After a few more seconds of spinning, Jasper carefully set the disorientated Diamond down on the couch.

Pearl walked up and gently slapped Jasper's arm, "You need to be more careful Jasper."

Jasper started rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, "Sorry, My diamond, I was excited to have you home."

Ember, by this point, was no longer feeling dizzy and smiled at Jasper. "It's fine Jasper, I'm excited to be home too."

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now