Chapter 18

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Ember spent the rest of the day until dinner exploring the castle with Daphne and Tracey, she was actually enjoying having friends her own age. Of course, she didn't trust them much, they had just met the night before after all and it would be stupid if she trusted them, to use a muggle expression, right off the bat.

Soon enough it was time for dinner and she knew that as soon as she was finished eating that Professor Flitwick would be coming to take her up to the headmaster's office where Ember had a feeling that she would be having a long overdue family reunion that she wished she could avoid.

She ate a bit slower than normal, if Pearl or Jasper were here then they would know something was up but sadly they weren't here. Wait, if she was going to be meeting with the headmaster and her genetic donors and twin, then shouldn't she have her magical guardian there?

She smirked, looks like she wouldn't be alone without one of her gems there after all.

She finished eating and waited silently for the professor to come to get her and smiled at him when he did. "Sir before we head up do you mind if we call my magical guardian to join us?" She made sure to keep her tone polite.

She could tell that the Professor was a bit confused, "May I ask why you wish for them to join us?"

"I'm assuming that this isn't anything school related and while I have asked you to join me I would also feel more comfortable with my guardian being in the room as well. She has also told me that she did not want me to meet with the headmaster without her being there." Ember was relieved to see that Professor Flitwick didn't seem too surprised by this and assumed that she wasn't the only student that had been told this.

"Very well, we can stop by my office to floo call your magical guardian, they can use my fireplace to floo in." He smiled at her, "Come along now, let's hurry so we are not late."

Ember hopped up and followed the Professor to his office and glanced around. The walls were a simple dull blue with silver trim on the top and bottom. The floor was covered in a tan carpet. There was a desk made of what looked like dark oak wood and several bookcases that matched the desk. Each bookcase was filled to the brim with books and Ember spotted a ladder hidden behind one of them. The next thing she noticed was that the desk and chair for it were both shorter than a normal desk and chair for adults.

It surprisingly looked like a pretty modern muggle office if you took out the torches and candles around for the light. She guessed that he must try to keep up with the times, unlike other magicals.

"You can use the floo powder on top of my fireplace to call your Guardian." he gestured to the fireplace, it was made out of light gray bricks and had a white top where the floo powder was stored. There was another ladder, this one a step ladder placed to the side of it.

She walked over and grabbed a pinch of floo powder and whispered the address into the flames before throwing the powder in and sticking her head inside.

Luckily Pearl was in the living room, it looks like she was tidying up some paperwork needed for the store. She looked up surprised when the floo activated, "My Diamond? Aren't you supposed to be in your dorms by now?"

"The headmaster wants to meet with me in his office right now, I was wondering if Jasper was free to come with me as my magical guardian." She quickly explained, "I have a feeling that the Potters are going to be there to try and take me back, probably for the money of the Ravenclaw family."

Pearl frowned, "Give me one moment to get her, I'll be right back." she left the room and returned a few minutes later with Jasper. "What's going on, My Diamond?"

Ember quickly explained what was going on again and watched as Jasper frowned, "I sent a letter to the headmaster a week ago explaining that you were not to be called up to his office without me, I didn't tell him who you were of course but if he checked the records after the sorting he would have seen that I was your magical guardian."

Ember Potter and the Secret of the GemsWhere stories live. Discover now