Chapter 23

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(Updated with edited Version)

After that meeting in the headmaster's office things went on as normal. Ember went to class, hung out with her friends, did homework, did her paperwork, and trained her powers. It kept her busy as she made sure to spend some time studying for school as well.

Ember had also taken up avoiding Ronald Weasley. He seemed insistent on spending time with her, always saying that they would be a good couple. He tried to corner her alone a few times as well, luckily Ember made it a point to scarcely go anywhere alone.

When she needed to go to the ROR she would have Bippy pop her to the hallway that led to the room.

She kept up this pace until Halloween, she was gloomy today as she always was at this time of year. Right after charms class, she overheard Ronald snarling at Hermione, making her run off in tears.

Ember felt bad for the girl so quickly followed to try and console her. It didn't work out the way she was wishing though. Hermione had snapped at her to leave her alone, she didn't need comfort from a stuck-up princess like Ember.

Ember didn't show it, but that hurt. She didn't mean to act stuck up, she was acting this way to shield herself from those who wanted to use her, like her ex-family, and Ronald.

She left the lavatory that Hermione had selected to cry in, something that confused her greatly. If Ember had been the one running off to cry, she would have run to her dorms and hid on her bed behind the curtains. Not a public lavatory that any girl could walk in, not to mention the sound of crying escaped the lavatory and into the hallway.

Shaking her head she decided not to think of it and just went on with her day. She attended the last of her classes and frowned the entire time at the feast that night. She really couldn't comprehend what was so great about this day, this was the day she lost her family.

They might not have died that night, but they might as well have. She remembered how things were before that awful Halloween. James was an amazing father for both her and Damien, he didn't have favorites. Sure he spent a bit more time with Damien but that didn't mean he loved Ember any less back then.

He was so protective of her too. Ember remembered one time she almost toddled down the stairs, she was at the top and he was at the bottom. James had summoned her to him as fast as he could and refused to put her down for the rest of the day.

She remembered Sirius, her Uncle Padfoot back then. He would turn into his Grim form and let her and Damien ride on his back while someone cast a charm to keep them from falling off.

Remus, or Uncle Moony back then, used to read to her and Damien all the time. Mostly Ember, even back then she loved books and loved being read to. He stopped reading to her not long after that night, Ember secretly missed those times.

Dumbledore used to be like her Grandfather before that night, he would sneak her and Damien candy before dinner often.

Lily used to be the best mother ever. She would drop everything if Ember or Damien needed something. Now that she thought of it, Lily still tried doing the same after that Halloween but stopped after James started being a bastard to Ember.

Ember's eyes narrowed down at her plate full of food, now that she thought back to that time she remembered that around that time Lily tried to be nice to her when it was just the two of them but James somehow always found out and yelled at Ember that she had done something to her.

Ember held back a growl, while this explained why Lily was never nice or motherly towards her, It didn't explain why she gave her that power-dampening potion. She needed to figure out why she would do that before she could decide how to feel about her biological mother.

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