Twins (Danvers)

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Twins (Carol Danvers)

A/n: disclaimer: (Y/s/n) is Your stage name. It'll make sense in a moment

Carol wanted to join the military. You wanted to join the industry. Your parents wondered how they went so wrong with both of you, but at least they taught you how to be successful wherever you wanted to go.

When it came time for college, you went to Los Angeles to a film school to learn film acting. Carol went to the Air Force Academy and learned how to fly planes. You each had your struggles, but still managed to call ever weekend to check in.

You attended her graduation ceremony with your parents, even though they remained less than thrilled. She attended your ceremony, too, but alone. At this point it was the two of you against everyone else.

And then she went down. Maria called and told you that Carol had gotten into a training accident, and sadly she hadn't made it out. The only thing left was a part of her dog tag. Even though you were distraught over the news, you told her to keep it- Carol had told you how close they were, you knew she'd want it.

A week later, you went up to help take care of a few things since your parents had nothing to do with you and Carol's lives anymore. That's when you picked your things to remember her by. Specifically a frame with two photos, one from each graduation.

"Oh, god, I'm so sorry (Y/n)," Maria said, then pulled you into a tight hug. That was the only time you found yourself breaking down into tears. Because after that, you flew back to LA to keep filming a movie you were a supporting role in.

Six long years went by where you quietly mourned Carol, celebrating little moments with her and one of her rings that you took. You almost never took it off.

In those very long years, you became a pretty big name in the world of movies. The 90s became your domain.

"See you tomorrow, Jack. I'm going to call it a night," you told your costar. He nodded his farewell as you walked off to your hotel room.

The last thing you wanted was to be interrupted, so when the phone rang you groaned loudly and trudged over to the phone.

"Hello? This is (Y/f/n) speaking to the unlucky soul keeping me from taking a relaxing bath," you answered.

There was a clearing throat, then, "You have a call from a Maria Rambeau?" the poor kid said. You almost felt bad.

"Put her through," you said, getting ready for a good, long conversation. Anytime Maria called it was a long cry session where the two of you reminisced about Carol. "Hey, Maria, how's it going?" you automatically asked.

A moment of silence. "(Y/n), you're gonna wanna come on down as soon as you can... like, seriously." Odd.

You sat up out of your cry position. "Wait, what? Don't be cryptic, Maria. What the hell is going on?"

"Seriously, please just get over here." With that last vague note, she hung up.

This was odd. If Monica had called, you'd label this a prank and assume she wanted to hang out with you. But Maria never joked around like that and she sounded very serious and even worried on the other side.

You dialed the front desk. "Get me my driver, I need to go to the airport and get on the next flight to New Orleans. No, this isn't negotiable." Time to go on a little holiday.

Except, it didn't feel like one. They never did anymore. Security surrounded you and blocked the paparazzi's advances on you. Once you got on the plane to New Orleans, however, they couldn't protect you from your seat neighbor who very clearly had a crush and was shooting their shot. It was funny, to say the least.

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