What If...

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What If... The Other Half Got Snapped?

A/n: this isn't a reader insert, but I hope you still like it! It's also long, so be prepared!

When Thanos snapped his fingers and fell back into the portal, it was like the entire world just stopped moving. Maybe it did, no one knew exactly what that snap had meant.

What they weren't expecting is, of course, what happened. "Steve?" Bucky asked, alarmed, pointing at the man's side. He looked down, shocked to see his own arm becoming... dust?

"Oh god," he whispered, looking up at Bucky one more time before his entire form just... disappeared.

He wasn't the only one. Off to the side, in the grass, Sam Wilson was struggling to get off the ground. "Sam?" Rhodey called, and they spotted each other. What Sam wasn't expecting was to see Rhodey disappear.

"Holy shit..." he breathed, going over to where he just was. All that was left was dust. Nothing else. "What the hell is going on?" Sam asked over the comms.

All he got was mixed replies, some being expressions of fear at the people dusting away all around them.

T'Challa was trying to get Okoye up from the ground, but he fell backwards when her arm started to disappear. "My King?" she asked, eyes wide with fear of the unknown. He reached out to grab her, but his hand just went straight through, and suddenly she was gone.

"I am Groot!" Groot panicked, seeing Rocket starting to dust before him.

"No, Groot," Rocket forced out, but he was soon gone, too.

Wanda looked up, seeing Thor, Natasha, and Bruce looking around wildly. Then, one by one, they all started to disappear.

"Nat," Bruce called, but soon enough the Hulk Buster armor was falling to the ground, since no one was in it controlling it anymore.

Natasha didn't say a word, she just let her eyes flutter closed and disappeared into a cloud of dust. Thor, on the other hand, was distraught. He wasn't saying any words, just starting and cutting himself off, before he, too, was gone.

Out in space, the Guardians and stray Avengers looked around at each other. Suddenly, Nebula made a noise. "What?" she questioned, looking down at her leg as it disappeared.

"Nebula..." Mantis said, hurrying over, but Nebula was gone before she could get there.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter Parker's eyes were wide with fear as he looked at his mentor with pure fear. "Mr. Stark, what's going on?"

Tony started to sat something and go over to the kid, but he fell forward in a cloud of dust without a single word.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter Parker cried, running over to where he had just been. "Mr. Stark? Where'd you go? What happened? Mr. Stark!"

Quill looked over at Strange, and asked, "What happened? What's going on?" If anyone would know, it would be the man who could wield magic.

He was wrong. "I- I don't know... I think... I think we lost," he said. He didn't understand the stones, or Thanos, or anything other than the Time Stone he used to hold. None of this was right.

Back on Earth, those who were left gathered around Vision's discarded body. Wanda was still holding onto him, tears seemingly never-ending, her grief never-ending.

"What the hell is going on?" Sam asked, his voice dark. They all looked around at each other, unsure of how to answer. None of them knew what just happened. "Did Thanos do this? He- he snapped, right? Is this what snapping does?"

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