What It's Like Being A Stark

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A/n: Never ask a fanfic writer about the timeline, just go with it.

And also (y/b/f/n) = your best friend's name

Tony never expected to have kids. That just didn't seem to be in the cards for him. And if he were to have kids, then he'd want to wait until he lived out his younger years.

Yeah. That didn't happen.

Of course, he had all kinds of one-night stands coming back saying they were pregnant or that their kid was his. And he took them all seriously until either a) the math didn't add up, or b) the DNA test came back negative. Then he'd send the woman on her way and wish her well.

It all changed when a woman showed up. She had no bump or baby on her hip, but still insisted on speaking with Tony about his kid.

"Look, I'm sorry, I know you probably get all kinds of crazy people in here telling you that you have a kid. And I know it's stressful and exhausting. But I really need your help, Tony."

She went on to explain how the they had their... moment together about four years ago. She got pregnant, decided to have the kid, and also decided to not bother Tony about it, because she knew he didn't want a kid. Everything was going well.

Until the kid got sick. She needed help affording the treatments for her- their daughter. She only worked a minimum wage job and didn't have enough to cover everything.

Tony had to admit, this was the most realistic story so far, and he felt bad, so he agreed to get a DNA test just to be sure first. Although, in his mind, he figured he could help out a little anyway just because he wasn't heartless for crying out loud.

At the hospital, the doctors decided to get the test done first.

And for the first time ever, it came back positive. Tony Stark was a father.

While he may never have wanted to be on, that didn't mean he hated kids. Most kids, of course, because they were sticky. You were an exception. His lawyers drew up a contract and Tony hired a lawyer for his kid's mom so she knew what she was signing.

It was a perfect agreement, until she was killed in a hit and run. It happened just a couple years after you were all better. The three of you had a fantastic relationship going on, and Tony actually thought fatherhood was okay. Or, well, this version of it.

As per the contract, you came under Tony's care. He learned enough during those years with the three of you that he was pretty confident in himself, but he was still scared.

All he knew was as long as the two of you stuck together, you'd be fine.


"Hey Dad, can I go out with (y/b/f/n)? They need to get an outfit for this event their partner is bringing them to," you asked when you walked into your dad's lab. He was working on some new Iron Man suit or some modification for one. When you got closer, you could also see the blueprints for the new Avengers Facility that was going to be upstate.

Your dad put his work down and turned to look at you. "You'll bring Happy with you?"

"Of course, he loves us."

"And you'll be extremely careful?"

"I always am, Dad."

"And you'll have your phone on you at all times?"


He smiled. "I know, I know. You know I'll always worry about you. And I know you know that. Have fun, okay?"

The two of you hugged. "I will. And I'll text you every time we go to a new store, okay?"

When you pulled apart, you turned and hurried away. (Y/b/f/n) may or may not already be downstairs waiting with Happy in the lobby. You knew your dad and knew he'd say yes. He only ever said no if there was a big mission happening or some huge enemy out there. As of right now, both were negatives.

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