Bad Idea, Right?

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Going out with the girls was always a blast. Sure, you usually got drunk enough to not remember most of what happened come morning, but you remembered enjoying the night.

Especially because of how rare these nights are. Considering you're all Avengers, it's hard to all be available at once. Someone was always working, and it wasn't as fun going out if it wasn't the whole crew.

You, Wanda, Natasha, and Carol. The four of you were unstoppable for reasons more than just being an Avenger.

"Come on already, let's go!" Natasha whined from outside your bedroom. You were the last one to get ready, which was unusual, but there were... special circumstances.

Your ex texted you. A lot. He was blowing up your phone, trying to sound casual, but there were undertones. Undertones you were all too happy to pick up on. So yeah, maybe you were taking an extra second to pick the perfect outfit in case you decide to see him after hanging with the girls.


"I'm almost there!" you called back, finally picking out a dress. It was in your best color, (y/f/c), and was sure to knock him to his knees. Yeah, this would absolutely do.

Once you slipped the dress and some shoes on, you snatched your black purse from your bed and hurried out your bedroom door.

"Come on, let's go!" you called, hurrying down the hall with Nat following behind. Out in the common area, Wanda and Carol were waiting.

"Finally! I mean, you look gorgeous, do not get me wrong, but I wanna go out and get drunk already!" Carol said.

You smiled and let out a small chuckle. "Then let's go!"

Three hours later, you felt pretty fucked-up.

Enough to let slip just who had been calling you all night long.

"Absolutely not," was Wanda's firm answer, the other two shaking their heads. "He broke your heart, (Y/n), you absolutely cannot go back!"

You sighed. "Well, I'm not taking him back, I'm just... going to let him break something else..."

Nat scrunched up her nose and shook her head again. "Nope, not letting it happen. If you wanna hook up so bad, find some random in this bar but I swear to god (Y/n), you answer that call I will tackle you to this club floor."

You rolled your eyes. Because Nat was a few years older than you, her scolding always felt motherly, which pissed you off. "I only see him as a friend! It's been a couple months, we're better now."

The biggest lie ever said.

Wanda leaned on your side. "Come on (Y/n), just stay and ignore that bastard!"

Again, an eye roll, but you ended with a sigh and said, "Fine. Let's go find someone for me to hook up with- preferably hot enough to be the only guy on my thoughts."

The other three cheered, Carol ordering another round of shots to celebrate.

A few minutes later, they were watching you flirt with a guy, getting a bit cozy. They all buzzed with excitement, hoping this would be the guy to wipe your mind of thoughts about your ex. Which, they all knew would be a hard task.

Wanda started kicking her feet when she saw the two of you exchange numbers, and squealed when you turned and started walking back over to the group.

"Oh my god what's his name? Are you guys gonna see each other again? Are you going to see him tonight?" Wanda asked, launching question after question at you.

You laughed, accepting the cocktail Nat handed you. "His name is Graham, we haven't gotten that far, and I think so. Just gonna... hang out for a bit longer before I head out. Make him sweat," you answered.

The other girls gave you encouragement and embarrassing advice, despite this not being your first hook up.

"Oh my god, thank you! I get it, guys. I'm gonna go call an Uber and get a ride to his," you said, pulling your phone out of your purse. You ignored the missed calls and unread texts from him and texted the new guy a winking emoji, hoping he'd get the idea.

Then, you let the girls watch you copy his address and get an Uber set up.

Once you confirmed the ride, Carol pulled you into a bear hug. "Yes! Girl, I am so proud of you!" Nat and Wanda added on, and you actually felt like this was a good plan.

Then you got in the Uber and remembered him. "Oh hey, do you mind if I change the address really quick? I think I put in the wrong one..." you said before the driver could take off.

She nodded and you put in the other address.

Ten minutes later, you were walking up to his new apartment, a second story one like the last. You knocked on the door twice but he was already opening it up before your hand could go for a third.

"Hey," he said, flashing his smile.

Of course, you had seen some really hot guys in your life- you worked with a bunch- but right now, he was the hottest you'd ever seen.

But the words of the other girls were bouncing around.

It's a bad idea, right?

He looked you up and down, enjoying the dress you'd picked out, just like you knew he would.

It's a bad idea, right?

"You wanna stand out here all night or actually come inside?" he asked.

It's a bad idea, right?

You whipped out your phone and sent a quick note to the group chat to let them know you were all good and you'd see them in the morning. Then, you put it on Do Not Disturb and shoved the device back in your bag.

Looking back up, you took in a deep breath and smiled at Bucky.

"Fuck it, it's fine."


A/n: it's fun, it's quick, it's cute, and it's all the brain power I have available. Is burning the candle at five ends a thing? Cause I think I'm doin it.

In all seriousness, I love writing imagines based on songs! I need to do more, especially for weeks where I'm just exhausted and can't put in much effort.

Next week's imagine is different, and a request! So I'm excited to get it out :)

See you next week Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!

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